IP intercom - connect external doorbell


Jun 4, 2021
Hi all,

I’ve installed a Dahua IP intercom system
Door station: VTO2202F-P
Monitors: VTH2421FB-P-VTM115

Customer requested a separate doorbell which is understandable seeing as the monitors are not very loud and can only be heard in the immediate area.

I assumed I could hook into the “Alarm COM” and “Alarm NO” contacts and they would switch with the door station PB.
Alas, not to be.
And when I spoke to my supplier they can’t think of a way to do what I want.
Dahua tech support are as unhelpful as you’d guess and the manual says nothing about connecting doorbells.

So my questions are:
1. Is anyone aware of anyway to connect an external doorbell to the model of Dahua Door station i mentioned. (I’d even be prepared to remove back cover and so some soldering if that achieves what I want)
2. Is there another Dahua IP door station with this feature built in? Would be good if I cools keep the monitor and just switch out the e door station.
3. Is there another brand of intecom that has terminals built into it that switch with the push button? (I know Doorbird has this feature as I’ve used it before, but I’d rather not use doorbird).

Thanks in advance for any useful answers!



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Unfortunately Dahua did not design the use of a external doorbell in their devices.
But there are a couple of promising projects for retrofitting this, e.g. DahuaDoorbell2MQTT
Off course, it's more complicated than a simple electrical contact but it gives you ton's of other options.
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