IPad Hotspot as an Internet provider


Mar 9, 2014
Houston, Texas
Until I get a DSL connected, I've been trying to get my vacation home PC and Cams working and using also use my Ipad as the internet connection for weather station and internet access.

After struggling for weeks, I finally got a Belkin to work

IPad Hotspot<------[[wireless(dhcp from verizon 172.20.10.x)------Belkin Extender rj45 port]]-----cat5------>]]Wifi Router Internet Port (static ip]]

Then setup a private lan for my PC and my cams...

[[Wifi router port (192.168.1.X)]]------ Cams, PC, Etc...

Fun, but Frustration project.

My KTXHOUST423 weather station is live again. http://www.wunderground.com/personal-weather-station/dashboard?ID=KTXOLIVI2
i would be careful about streaming video continuously over a wireless carrier unless you have some unlimited plan, you will burn through the data limits on residential plans fairly quickly with any sort of regular use. Even some of the carriers "unlimited plans" are known to throttle people once they hit a certain threshold, they just don't advertise it to consumers. They can also be flakey as well as far as connectivity.
Thats for sure. Most "unlimited" plans are throttled hard after just 3-5 GB. In some cases you still get ~700 Kbps after throttling but even that can be painful these days.

"Flakey" also describes it well. My dad has a camera on a cellular connection and it regularly goes offline. Just last month it went offline for 13 days, though usually when it goes offline it comes back within a few hours or a few days. 13 days may have been due to snow or ice buildup on the antenna or something; hard to say as it is a remote site.