IPC-Color4K-T Looks Terrible in BI


Dec 11, 2020
I just got this IPC-Color4K-T to replace my Reolink Trackmix and while it looks quite good even with default settings in the camera's web interface it looks awful in the blue iris web interface or console. I have tried all the encoding and quality settings in the camera but nothing seems to help. Also changed the stream quality in ththe blue iris web interface, Maybe I am viewing the substream?


  • Screenshot 2024-07-17 175912.png
    Screenshot 2024-07-17 175912.png
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    Screenshot 2024-07-17 175730.png
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    Screenshot 2024-07-17 175703.png
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The main console looks like oversharpened and the UI3 looks substream.

Most feel the 4K-T is sharp out of the box. Lower it and see if it improves.
Any idea how to fix the substream thing? this is the scanning report:
Opening port 80...
HTTP Get / request...
ONVIF GetSystemDateAndTime
Requesting device information...
Manufacturer: General
Model: IPC-Color4K-T-3.6mm
FirmwareVersion: 3.140.0000000.7.R, Build Date 2023-12-24
Querying services
Has Imaging services: /onvif/imaging_service
Has media services: /onvif/media_service
Has RTP_RTSP_TCP, requesting profiles
profile token MediaProfile00000
profile name MediaProfile_Channel1_MainStream
profile source is 00000
profile source config is 00000
profile token MediaProfile00001
profile name MediaProfile_Channel1_SubStream1
profile source is 00000
profile source config is 00000
profile token MediaProfile00002
profile name MediaProfile_Channel1_SubStream2
profile source is 00000
profile source config is 00000
requesting URI for profile MediaProfile00000
RTSP URI: rtsp:/
requesting URI for profile MediaProfile00001
RTSP URI: rtsp:/
requesting URI for profile MediaProfile00002
RTSP URI: rtsp:/
Has Event services: /onvif/event_service
Has WSPullPointSupport
RelayOutputs: 1
RelayOutput: 00000/Bistable/open
InputConnectors: 1
Has Device IO services: /onvif/deviceIO_service
AudioOutputs: 1
That all is fine. It is a setting in UI3 on what resolution to display. But with that orange clock it is saying you are probably hitting bandwidth issues.
That orange clock was just temporary it is still incredibly fuzzy even with all the settings in UI3 and the camera's web interface maxed.
I do think after reset the camera to factory defaults, checking off decoder compatibility mode and the onvif to refresh volatile streams its working a lot better now. Still the usual low framerate from UI3 but I can deal with that:
@Mibix Hope you don't mind me asking, how's your experience overall with this camera going, as I am looking it to try it out on a Hikvision NVR? Thanks
In the first UI3 screenshot, you were viewing a camera group containing a single camera (as evidenced by its title bar being visible). Camera groups render typically just the sub stream and are at a different resolution and frame rate besides. Single-camera groups have long been a troublesome situation in UI3 because UI3 is designed to assume you will have more than one camera.

I'm curious what web browser that is, because it is rendering the PTZ control pad in the wrong colors so something weird is going on and possibly it is also affecting the frame rate you are able to achieve when streaming.
i never manually did anything to my 4k on the anamorphic setting. i let the thing install itself to defaults before i did anything else. But i notice it assigned itself a setting.