IPC-HFW1831E bitrate higher than setting allows


Pulling my weight
Oct 15, 2016
Camera bitrate set to CBR 8Mb/s, but I get bitrates higher than the maximum the camera is supposed to show. Camera accessed directly thru web interface. Zero network activity before logging in to camera. Firmware is 2.800.0000000.5.R.20200107.
Any ideas?

The bandwidth of the Sub stream is also added, you must disable if you want to see the real of the Main.
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I assume you only have the one camera turned on for live streaming? I have mine set to VBR, but I just tried setting one to CBR 4096 - bandwidth stays right around that. What does your bandwidth show for the camera in SmartPSS?
Yes, this is only one camera accessed via the web interface. I had installed SmartPSS only for confirmation, and the bandwidth is just as high, as well as the bitrate reading in Blue Iris status for this camera.
I have two cameras, one still on its original 2.622 firmware and the other upgraded to the latest 2.8 firmware.

With default settings on both cameras the 2.622 bit rate varies all over the place, typically showing around 12.5Mbps. This is for a static scene. I don't think it ever got down to the 8192 CBR it was set to. In the past I've seen it go to 15k and more. The 2.8 firmware version is quite steady around 8.4 Mbps.

Can't say I notice any difference in the video though.
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This is actually an issue that I've been having for some time but the first time another person has posted any confirmation of the same issue. I have 3 cameras, one on the original 2.622, the other two upgraded to the 2.8 firmware series. All the cameras ran flawlessly on the original 2.622. Once I updated to the 2.8 series firmware, the bitrate of the cameras are much higher than anything I set. I have been messing with this for months. Absolutely nothing else in my system was messed with except moving to the 2.8 series firmware. I tried other POE switches, tried other certified cables, changing camera settings, iframe, VBR/CBR. Nothing I have tried gets the actual camera bitrate to match the setting in the camera. I put my system back with all the original equipment just like it was when I had all the cameras on the 2.622 firmware, because none of the new equipment I tried made any difference. I tried disconnecting certain cameras to see if it had any effect on the other cameras, it didn't. I followed all the steps and rules, factory default the cameras, even pulled then down off the house to do a hard reset using the button inside the camera, that had no effect. Regardless of anything else in my system, all I want was the cameras to run at the bitrate I set them to. I was hoping someone either could think of something I haven't tried, or confirmed the same issue, where enough people would reply and it would grab the attention of someone who could do something in a future firmware update.
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That is pretty strange. See if the "region of interest" setting is enabled. I have seen that allow cameras to encode higher bit rate than their limits were set to, sometimes.
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Also note that if you read the bit rate in Blue Iris Status window, the bit rate will be in kilobytes per second, and to convert to kilobits per second you need to multiply by 8. I don't think this has anything to do with your problem, but a lot of people don't understand the difference and think something is going wrong when the numbers are so far off.
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I had already done the conversion, and the BI bitrate reading matched what I was seeing in the task manager or any other program where I can see the camera bitrate reported. I did check the ROI enable/disable to see if that was able to control the bitrate and that also made no difference.
Tried that too. Got a newer version of a 2.6 series but was unable to load it because once the 2.8 series is installed you can't go back. The only option available was to move forward in the 2.8 series. Nothing has changed so far. Even if I bought new cameras they would have the 2.8 series.
Here is V2.800.0000000.2.R.190404
I had the 190404, then updated to the 200107 because there was no difference in bitrate. I'm pretty sure I even tried going back to 190404 based on some feedback from KCO, but got the message saying failed due to older version.
Well I have no idea then, unless Andy has posted something newer somewhere, or can get you something newer.
Yeah, I would have immediately gone back to 2.622 if I could, even if there was some disclaimer I needed to accept any risk of going back to a previous firmware. Literally, everything was working perfect. Nothing changed (it didn't need to), until 2.8. You can only imagine the problems caused when one of these has inbound bitrates of 20 megabits, much less three streams at 20 Mb/s.

I would greatly appreciate any input from Andy. It seemed to me with the popularity of the 1831E, 8MP on a 1/1.8 sensor, that possibly run the issue past a Dahua engineer. Regardless of any other issue, the 2.8 series firmware has the camera egressing a bitrate far exceeding the camera setting, so something isn't right.

Thankfully at least one other person noted the same issue, so I'm not crazy.
I'm not sure if Dahua cams support TFTP firmware update, but if so then it is possible it would bypass the downgrade restriction.
Funny thing, I know it's not a direct comparison, but since rebranding manfacturers usually lag behind in firmware updates, I used this to my advantage and I bought an Amcrest 2597 (rebranded 1831) for testing purposes, which, as I hoped, came with 2.622 firmware. I put it in place of one of my 1831, and it ran flawlessly at 8Mb/s.
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