IPC-HFW5231E-Z vs Z12 - Iris Adjustment Option


Young grasshopper
Oct 8, 2017
I purchased a IPC-HFW5231E-Z12 and the Iris adjustment is a slider that can adjust the Iris from 0 to 100. I also purchased a IPC-HFW5231E-Z, but that Iris adjustment is simply Auto Iris "On" or "Off". In speaking with Andy, we assumed it was because they had different Firmware versions and so he sent me the firmware and I updated the firmware on the Z model to match the Z12, but the Iris adjustment is still not available. Has anyone else ran into this and found a solution?

Guessing it is to do with different types of lenses of the cams.

Specs for the Z state Motorized/ Auto Iris(DC), the Z12 states Motorized/ Auto Iris(HALL).

Not certain but in electronics the HALL effect sensor would be more precise as the logic would be aware of the point of focus at any given time. Whereas, the DC motor likely a much more simple arrangement.

Someone might be 100% sure and interested in their answer.
I purchased a IPC-HFW5231E-Z12 and the Iris adjustment is a slider that can adjust the Iris from 0 to 100. I also purchased a IPC-HFW5231E-Z, but that Iris adjustment is simply Auto Iris "On" or "Off". In speaking with Andy, we assumed it was because they had different Firmware versions and so he sent me the firmware and I updated the firmware on the Z model to match the Z12, but the Iris adjustment is still not available. Has anyone else ran into this and found a solution?

Have you tried going from manual to Aperture Priority?
The options are "Auto", "Gain Priority", "Shutter Priority" and "Manual", no Aperture Priority :( - none of them give the Iris slider, just the Auto Iris on/off

I think my real issue, is that I need more light in our cul de sac, but I don't want to put big flood lights on the front of the house :(
I was hoping to improve the quality of the night video - I am using it in Color mode because I want to be able to see the color of cars or clothing on people for identification purposes. I guess I'm thinking that with a higher aperture value, the image may be clearer? I have tried all of the other settings.
Is that at the 1/1000 shutter in your settings screen shotted above? What you have there looks like motion blur caused by too low a shutter speed for the speed of the target. In all likelihood you camera has already selected max aperture due to the lighting conditions. It doesn't look like depth of field because everything stationary in the shot appears top be in pretty good focus.
In the picture, I switched the Camera to Manual so that the setting options should 'in theory' match the setting options on the Z12. Actually, I have it set to Auto because when I switch it to Manual and enter a shutter speed like 1/1000, or even much less, I can not get the image to look nearly as good as when it is set to Auto. At 1/1000 I have to adjust the Gain up to 100 and still the picture does not look nearly as good as with Auto. I have tried the brightness settings etc. and it never comes close to the Auto quality at night. If I pull the car in the driveway and turn on the interior light of the car - the image is super sharp :) So, I know that more light helps.

I do have a coach light about 2 ft from the camera and I currently have three 15 watt bulbs in there so that they coach lights do not look super bright - they give a nice look. If I increased the brightness of the coach light near the camera, do you think that would help the image quality? The camera is zoomed in so that the image starts towards the bottom of the driveway - the sidewalk is 30 ft from the Camera - or does the light need to be shined on the image to be recorded (ie a flood light facing the street) or would increased light at the camera help? I am currently at 15FPS 4,096 bit - tonight I will try to increase that to see if that helps too?

Thanks for your advice! :)
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If you want to better stop motion, then you need a faster shutter speed. Practically, that means you need more light on whatever you're trying to capture. The static image is better on auto because it's dropping the shutter speed to capture more light. If the coach lights would illuminate that area then they may help some. But too much light elsewhere may actually make it worse since the cam will attempt to automatically adjust the overall scene using the brightest area as its basis possibly making areas elsewhere darker. With the IR you probably could push it more with better results but then you lose the color.
MIke A., ...So, I guess the big question is: How do I illuminate the street better without flood lights on the front of the house? Humm
You could try a motion light so at least you don't have it on all the time. But the cam may need a sec to adjust when it comes on so you'd want it to trigger before whatever gets there. Doesn't need to be a flame thrower of a light. As you noticed with your car light, a little helps a lot with these cams. Other than that, using the IR would be easiest.

You're trying to do something that's kinda tough - catch something moving relatively quickly while crossing a relatively small area with it zoomed in with relatively little light.
I purchased a IPC-HFW5231E-Z12 and the Iris adjustment is a slider that can adjust the Iris from 0 to 100. I also purchased a IPC-HFW5231E-Z, but that Iris adjustment is simply Auto Iris "On" or "Off". In speaking with Andy, we assumed it was because they had different Firmware versions and so he sent me the firmware and I updated the firmware on the Z model to match the Z12, but the Iris adjustment is still not available. Has anyone else ran into this and found a solution?

I've been trying to find firmware 2.460.0000.15.R, Build Date: 2017-09-07 for the IPC-HFW5231E-Z12, can you please sent me the link to it? thanks
I've been trying to find firmware 2.460.0000.15.R, Build Date: 2017-09-07 for the IPC-HFW5231E-Z12, can you please sent me the link to it? thanks
I don't have a link, and he send it to me via Skype. I can try to email it to you if you would like.
I don't have a link, and he send it to me via Skype. I can try to email it to you if you would like.
I had asked Andy for it a couple week ago but he didn't have it at the time. Yes,please email it to me, I sent you a private message with my email address. thanks.