Yes you have understood the setting correctly if you put a value between 0 and 0.5 it means that the shutter will vary between 0 milliseconds and 0.5 milliseconds, so 0.5 is the slowest setting. But ... if one day the sky is gray 0.5 may be a little fast, especially if your vehicles are not moving fast! In my street the vehicles are traveling at a maximum of 50 km / h so I have a setting of 0 - 2 ms and I never have a problem with noise in the image even when the sky is gray as often in winter. Today the camera sensors are constantly evolving, the 5442 series is an excellent series from Dahua with 1 / 1.8 "sensors if you try the same settings with a 1 / 2.8" sensor you will have a bad image with these settings. .