IPC-T5442T-ZE blurry image area

Thank guys for the input. I will try some of the suggestion when I get home from work later.
Didja ever get this sorted out?
Didja ever get this sorted out?
No, have been trying numerous things. I even replaced the camera with a new one with no luck. My NVR is a newer Dahua 24-camera unit and only running 16 cameras. I had added an older Dahua PTZ in the place of an ipc-T5442-ze a couple weeks ago but took it off the system to see if it would help. Rebooted everything, but no luck. Picture is perfect during the day.
I would do this;

1- factory reset the camera using the reset button on the lite trap door, while connected, and leave at defaults (Auto) for 1 night while grabbing a screenshot and short clip

2- pending outcome of #1, adjust to basic recommended settings: 8192 CBR, 15 FPS, h.264, general/standard codec, make sure ROI is OFF, 1/60 manual exposure, IR Auto, leave all else at default 50. Take sample shot and video clip and post

It sure looks like macro blocking and/or ROI enabled.

3- If #2 still shows the blur and pixelization, run a temporary cable, just lay it in the ground, and repeat samples.
****If new cable still shows problem, I’d exchange the camera. After re-reading your last post, this actually should be step #1
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Also have you tried using the “bad” camera on a different port/location?
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