Firstly It would help if you could give an idea of what you're trying to protect here - your car?
If so, and you have a regular space, then the next thing to coonsider is the distance to the car and which varifocal will be bets- remember here varifocal is not the same as a PTZ. It's a zoom, fix and forget, not a zoom in for a better look camera. However, if you have a fixed parking spot and it's your car you're trying to protect, that will give you some idea of which varifocal you want - the ze, 4ZE or 12ZE.
I'm presuming from the height you live in a 3rd (?) floor apartment? The ideal height for a camera is 6.5-7.5 ft. Cameras mounted high tend to capture hair not faces although horizontal distance to the subject helps here. If you're in apartment I'm guessing you have little chocie but to mount it heigh up.
Personally I wouldn't worry too much about what people think provided you're not breaching your tenancy agreement putting one up. If visible it's a deterrent although it can also encrouage the hiding of faces. It's always a balance between deterrence and forewarning someone to simp[ly carry out the crime but face hidden. Both have their virtues but there's a lot to be said for avoidning the crime if possible, anmely expensive and lengthy insurance claims and restitution.