Is demo version full featured? Not lacking ANY features?

Young grasshopper
Dec 8, 2016
Reaction score
I need to know for a client as we are testing his hardware to see if it will handle the software
with a certain number of cameras that he already has etc.
Somebody made a comment awhile back that the non purchased software (demo version)
Was not fully feature functional.
Even though it would let you click on certain hardware accel features that involved Intel QuickSync
as well as direct to disk recording I was told that they didn't actually work in the demo version.
At the time I didn't care because I had purchased the software.
But this is a demo test where I have not yet purchased for the client but want to test things
out and make sure they are comfortable with the software on their stuff and all of it's use before purchasing.

I'm hoping the that the demo software is a true test of all the features as I've not seen it documented
that anything is disabled.
But I do indeed need to ask here and get a definitive answer.
Obvioulsy there's a demo version banner in the video, and that is not a concern or any part of this question.
Please let me know.



Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
No.. direct to disc does not work and you will see higher cpu usage than normal...Its 60 bux...if they can't handle that cost then perhaps they should be looking at a free option... there are enough threads here that you can use to guestimate the cpu usage..or since it's free for the demo why don't you try it and see..

Young grasshopper
Dec 8, 2016
Reaction score
Thanks for the answer.
Any other features that are disabled or only the D2D?
Weeding through posts to quickly know how much percentage CPU I'll save from D2D might prove challenging.
I have a ton on my plate at the moment.
I'd like to know how much it takes off the CPU budget right now though if you or anyone watching have a rough figure from experience.
Anyhow no big deal main thing is I needed to know if it was disable or not and if anything else is.
I already know they will purchase it but I have to wait for payment from them.
Just a timing thing and I don't have it in my budget at the moment to float this particular $60 myself.

Just what it is and that 's why I won't just try it and see right now today :)
2-3 weeks from now? a completely different story.

Thanks again.