Is ISP blocking AD110 connection to cloud account?


Feb 3, 2018
Here's a head scratcher....

For the past few days, I have been trying to install an Amcrest AD110 for a customer. The camera would go through all the steps, and even say "You have successfully connected to the network" and turn solid blue. It would only fail at the last step of connecting to the "server".

I tried swapping out the wifi router and making sure the 2.4GHZ was all it connected to....still no connection to server. I finally brought it back to my office and it installed without a I'm stumped. At this point I did have the ear of Amcrest support and they were stumped as well. It was during our conversation that I asked him if the AD110 was looking for a specific open port, because the only difference in network configuration between my office and the customer was the ISP. He said he was not aware of any such thing but would check. I then asked him what the account the customer created was for, and he said for the camera to talk to our servers.

I installed the AD110 again at my office except with the customers account. I then brought it to the customer, connected the wires and can see the camera offline in the account on the customers phone. I went to Network Configuration. went through all the steps, reconnected it to the WiFi and it worked.

So is it possible that the ISP was the culprit? Can anyone shed any light on the "server" the AD110 was looking for in the final step? (Amcrest has yet to get back to me on this same question)

If nothing else, I hope this helps someone else if they find themselves in this situation.
would think that the ISP blocking some IP and/or port address(es) to be highly unlikely; hundreds or thousands of other clients of the same ISP would be very irate.

might there have been an Amcrest server outage; plausible, but also highly unlikely

might there have been a DNS hiccup that prevented translation from name to IP of the Amcrest server

does the customer have a router which automatically filters and/or block suspicious sites, uses a "safe" (filtered) DNS server, uses pihole, diversion, or other similar add-on filter?

any left-over (old) firewall filters enabled on router?

yes, wild guesses... but not much to work with.


hopefully you'll get some response from Amcrest as to what their "server" is. having that you'll have the ability to try nslookup, tracert, and other network troubleshooting utilities.

of course with the camera now working, the world may never know.
Their server is most likely a P2P server that is used so the router does not need any open ports on the customers side.
Not very secure, and shouldn't be used.
Instead How to Secure Your Network (Don't Get Hacked!) | IP Cam Talk

From what I understand, you can't connect the AD110 without the Smart Home app, which connects the AD110 to the local and then finally the "server".

So for this device, I don't think it allows for any other connection but P2P if you are correct about the server.

As jmhmcse mentioned, its a guess unless Amcrest can clarify. I also want to mention that the reason I was suspecting ISP was because my office ISP is a fiber network, where the customer is on a WISP (Wireless Internet Service Provider).