Is it possible to view stored video files from one BI system on another in playback timeline?


Aug 10, 2020
When my production system plays back videos it jumps the cpu to 100% and then the playback controls freeze making the actions of investigating the video very difficult. The video being reviewed is located on a NAS and I have another BI system available with system resources that could easily accomplish the task or reviewing I believe. However, before I attempt any configuring, a quick consult to the search did not yield anything to my specific need so I am asking the community.

If anyone has accomplished this, and can offer any information on a working setup, I would greatly appreciate that as well.

The objective is to view previously recorded and stored .bvr files on a BI client and combine all .bvr files to see simultaneously in playback timeline as I do on production BI server.

Seems feasible, just not seeing the obvious I believe. Again, thanks for any help.
The problem is that, assuming you're recording 24/7,that alerts are nothing more than markers in the data base on that machine. Yes, they can be viewed on another system but as discrete files.

Have you maximized performance of that BI machine? Are you using sub streams? How many cameras and what is the MP/ps throughput? Are you using hardware acceleration? Are you recording direct to disk? Maximizing performance and using sub streams will greatly reduce the load on the CPU and probably solve your problem with that machine unless you're running a lot of cameras on an older, generation 6 or older, CPU.

Optimize Blue Iris

Substreams in BI
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It is recording 24/7
Have you maximized performance of that BI machine? Yes, I5-4570, but old machine up from many years.
Are you using sub streams? No/Have on cams.
How many cameras and what is the MP/ps throughput? 12 cams. Mix of older 3mp and 4mp Hik 15fps max, limit decode unless required.
Are you using hardware acceleration? Yes/Intel.
Are you recording direct to disk? Yes/ WD black internal 500GB rolling to 4TB USB then to NAS embarrassingly big to capture 30 day.

Maximizing performance and using sub streams will greatly reduce the load on the CPU [noting that my cpu load is typically 15-20% w 2G ram] and probably solve your problem with that machine unless you're running a lot of cameras on an older, generation 6 or older, CPU. <<< Seems I need to investigate this route. Having another BI lic available, I was just hoping to leave the production alone and just make a viewer for when I need to look harder at timeline. You are correct; I can view as discrete files and with naming conventions, pretty straight forward.

I generally am not having issues. Been very stable and reliable for remote viewing/playbacks. Was looking to see if any value in using other BI lic to create a viewing station.

I will review the sub stream opportunity, but think I am at the point of diminishing returns with this system. Was worth the ask. Thank you so much for this straight forward response.
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Seriously look into sub streams and it may not hurt to review the material in the WiKi as well regarding optimization. I'm not sure that "limit decoding" is actually helping and may be hindering. What version of BI? You may be kind of light in the RAM department as well. Generally 8GB is the low end, 2GB is really on the very low side.
I apologize if I confused. The box has 8GB ram, but seldom reserves more than 2 for BI [per the dialog output on lower right of BI software i.e now is CPU 12% RAM 1.95 GB]. As I do record 24/7, I elected to have "limit decoding" and have not had issue. I also have limited motion triggers as well as I believe when setting up that configuration, that was a best practice then. I have found some of your former student's confirmations about sub streams and I am taking harder look at now. Again, thank you for your time.

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But you are having an issue during playback! Limit Decoding is doing opposite of what you think it is and is the reason why the CPU jumps to 100% during playback. It lowers the CPU when you are not using it, but then you get what happens when you do!

From the wiki:

Many users turn this feature on for all their cameras without understanding it, but love the drastic CPU usage savings it provides. Later, they discover that their server's CPU usage hits 100% when they connect to Blue Iris through the web interface or a client app. This happens because remote camera viewing temporarily disables the "limit decoding" feature, and viewing the "All cameras" group disables it for all cameras at the same time!

A member here is running 50 cameras with an i7 4790 and was at 100% CPU and was looking for recommendations for a new machine or VMS. After strong persuasion by many of us, he reluctantly agreed to do every optimization and is now at 30% CPU. Direct-to-disc and substreams are a must....

Substreams during playback is a huge CPU saver.
sebastiantombs and wittaj, I concur and am reading in more on the topic. I believe the "SOLVED: System suddenly running at 100% CPU" is the thread with member you speak of. I identified and was using this as refernce as well supporting the ned to pursue sub stream. Thank you both for providing direction.
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BI Version x64

Update> 3 of 12 cams do not have sub stream. Again, older equipment. I did remove the limit decoding on all the cams, whether new sub stream profiles added or not. Seems stable now about CPU 30% RAM 920.7M with it fluctuating between 20%-45% CPU. May I ask why the Video>Image Format>Max Rate> FPS adjusts on it's own now? I had locked at 15 FPS, not the sub stream cams are wondering higher each time I check on their settings. I will reset the previous zone definitions for triggers at a later date. I updated record to allow dual record as well on all cams.

For the love of manuals, I have read the guide. Just do not understand the reference in the guide?;

The Blue Iris developer has indicated that for best reliability, sub stream frame rate should be equal to the main stream frame rate. Blue Iris's frame pipeline is driven by the sub stream, so a slow sub stream will cause the main stream to be slow as well. Because sub streams are so efficient, it is often okay to ignore past advice about limiting frame rates to 15 FPS. Go as high as you want. Just make sure the main and sub streams have the same frame rate.

Recorded sub streams are used during multiple-camera timeline playback in order to keep your CPU usage from ballooning out of control.
BI has always (at least as long as I have been using it) adjusts the FPS based on what it is receiving unless you made a decision to override it (many people do setting changes without understanding what they do or don't do like limit decoding, setting FPS, not using direct to disc, re-encoding, not using substreams, to name a few of the big issues we see from folks).

So if you have the frame rates different between main and substream, with some of the newer version features, such as recording substream and switching to mainstream when motion is detected, if they do not match, there will be a delay. Plus with the way BI is operating for motion and other settings, if they don't match, then motion will be missed.

The main additional benefit of the substream option is during playback. In the past or if you are not running substreams, all playback is mainstream, so if you have multiple cameras playing back at once, almost any system would struggle. Now, when viewing multiple cameras at the same time during playback, they will show substream until you select to make one camera full screen. That keeps CPU within reason during playback.
While on topic, One of the cams with sub stream now has "hazy/blurry" image at console until selected as solo camera in view, then crystal clear. Is there a configuration I missed here when updating? Was previously very clear in multi-cam view, and is a area of interest with active corridor. May I ask for a suggestion?
That is because you are now viewing the substream when seeing multi cameras at once.

For most once you display more than 4 cameras on the screen, the difference between substream and mainstream isn't noticable.

You could up the bitrate and resolution for the substream, just keeping in mind that every increase does add to the CPU usage, so you have to find the balance for your eyes.
Adjustment local on cam rendered no joy. Original bit max was 4096, now 512. Adjusted around and nothing worth keeping for CPU cycles given. I will fiddle and see what comes of it. Thank you again.