iSpy How To Question


Aug 29, 2020
Currently using iSpy to periodically take a photo which is then uploaded (FTP'd) to a website ... this is being done in conjunction with an AutoHotkey script which turns on an iSpy configured Camera every 5 minutes then turns it off 30 seconds later ... the iSpy configuration waits several seconds waiting for the camera to settle, takes the photo and ftp's it to the website.

Was looking for some way to trigger iSpy to Periodically Start a LIVE Recording rather than take a periodic Photo ... thinking like 15 to 20 seconds every 5 minutes ... has anyone done something like this that is willing to share how they did this?
Just to clarify I'm using iSpy 64 version
went into the Recording Timelapse setting but not following the online Help or the settings ... the Movie options are interval but it states that it saves "a frame" to a movie file in n seconds and then it Saves every n minutes at a "frame rate" of n ... both these statements; "a frame" & "frame rate" appear to conflict with each other ... played around with variations of numbers but not getting mp4 file that will play anything that resembles a real-time recording ... perhaps this was intended to only record a few frames every second at a period 1 minute or greater ... at any rate, timelapse doesn't provide what I am looking for