the wavelength of the IR put out (for night-time visibility) has nothing to do with whether the camera has wi-fi or not.
the wi-fi wavelengths 2.4 or 5ghz are nowhere near the visible/IR spectrum.
that said, the IR put out by cams supporting it is not a single wavelength,
but I can say the sensitivity drops off significantly between 850nm and 940nm,
which is why you need 2-3x more IR power when using LED's centered around 940nm (not-visible) than
centered at 850nm (still see red glow from the trail-off below 850nm)...
human vision is up to ~800nm, but LED's centered ~850nm still put out some light we can see
(it's a bell-curve centered around 850nm, even with LED's, so there's some down below 800nm and some above 900nm,
unless you're talking about lasers...)