iVMS4200 v2.02 Failed to Load Stream - Camera disconnected (no recording)


Getting the hang of it
Apr 14, 2014
FL <~> ME
I just noticed that right after I updated to iVMS 4200 2.02 last week, I have not had a single recording.

In the main viewer the motion is indicated as usual, but when you go to event playback and search by camera and date, it comes up blank, right up to when I updated.
Doesn't look like there is any hard drive activity. Double checked the motion settings. One camera seemed to have motion disabled, but the other 5 were still on.

An additional reboot did not help.

The camera layout doesn't seem to stick. Changes when I reboot.

If through device management I go double check some settings, it is throwing some dll errors that it can't communicate?


Error code HCNetSDK.dll [9]. (Failed to receive data from the device.)

Now: looking at the event/alarm log.

It seems loaded with failed to load stream errors? Every time there is motion ... continuously adding:

Date Time Camera: Failed to get Stream. Start Reconnection. Error Code iVMS-4200.exe[302] (Camera is disabled or not connected)

Does anybody have any thoughts on what the cause and remedy for this might be?

All cameras show fine in main view, so there is no physical disconnect. I wouldn't know how to have them disabled or re-enabled.

PS: Finding some minimal results in Russian, but google pretty much comes up blank.
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:mad-new: This thing is starting to tick me off.

Noticed a few changes here and there where it has VCA Config in device management and has VCA Rule enabled in the overall main config. Not something I would have enabled as I don't know anything more about it then its acronym and haven't taken the time to learn about it. Plus likely dependent on new camera firmware. The config button gives an error. Unchecked in main settings Rebooted. No change.

Another thing it complains about constantly is that email is not set up. Removed email linkages. No change.

I'm still hoping it is some inadvertent upgrade change, but looking for what is wrong is like a blindfolded easter egg hunt.
Old versions still installed.
New version has bugs.
Confirm camera settings.

I would just attribute this to the new update.

[h=3]VCA (Video Content Analysis)[/h]That's just more advanced detection modes e.g. cross a defined line/plane vs just the plain motion boxes. These features will be trickling down to all cameras eventually. If you didn't drop big bucks on your cameras, you don't have this built into the cameras.
I would agree that it is buggy, when the upgrade of a basic setup in the field, tanks the primary function.

After setting a few things back and turning off VCA (which I didn't turn on), formatting the drive, triple quadruple checking detection recording rebooting looking everywhere ... either something totally escapes me (but I've set iVMS up a few times by now so I kind of know the essentials to get it up an running) or I've got some bad software flaw.

Spot checking with Syno SS. Cameras show sd substreams, detect motion and write hd to SS. So, the camera disabled thing in iVMS is bogus.

Funnily enough at some point it stopped giving the disabled error. But still the same thing: motion indicated. No recording. External recording drive remains totally empty after format. Linkages in place to record channels.

After a few hours wasted, I sent a note to Hikv HQ, which overnight replied, asking for my location so they could refer me to a regional engineer. Not knowing support hours in Hikv HQ, there might be some delay, before it lands in somebody's inbox in the US.

I'm curious how that will develop. Knock on wood I won't be turned for iVMS support. If anything they should hopefully be eager to help and get to the bottom of it, as I should be one of the first folks with v 2.02, before too many get bitten by whatever borked my update.

Unfortunately just a couple days ago I just wiped the test install I'd done on an i7.

Anyway. I'm just going to sit here with 2.02 a bit longer and see where hikv leads me.
After a few hours wasted, I sent a note to Hikv HQ, which overnight replied, asking for my location so they could refer me to a regional engineer. Not knowing support hours in Hikv HQ, there might be some delay, before it lands in somebody's inbox in the US.

I'm curious how that will develop. Knock on wood I won't be turned for iVMS support. If anything they should hopefully be eager to help and get to the bottom of it, as I should be one of the first folks with v 2.02, before too many get bitten by whatever borked my update...

I'll be blunt. Hikvision owes you nothing for support. AFAIK, there are no USA authorized dealers that sell NVR solutions based around PC's. If they do, all support would go through the authorized dealer. I'm amazed they are even willing to talk to a customer directly for free.

If you need 24/7 USA support, xprotect, avigilon, axxon, blue iris, etc are all waiting to take your money.
I Fixed. Go to
Configuration ==>> Camera Management ====>>IP Camera
click "Custom Protocol" and edit "Custom Protocol1"
Stream Type = Main Stream
Protocol = RTSP
Transfer Protocol = UDp
port = 554
Stream Path = live.sdp

and change "Stream Type" to "sub Stream"
Protocol = RTSP
Transfer Protocol = UDp
port = 554
Stream Path = live2.sdp

ANd now add Cameras
IP Camera Address = xxx.xxx.x.x
Protocol = Custom Protocol1
Management Port = 445
User Name = root
password:NUll(no password)

note1 : You must first edit "Custom Protocol1" and then Adad your Camera.
note2: may ip camera is a Vivotek . Stream Path Vivotek is a live.sdp. Your camera may vary Stream Path