
"Strangely, the timer fixed to the outside of the bomb turns out to be a one-hour egg-timer... as I said, planted seventeen hours before. "

Again folks need to start waking up to the fact that our judicial system is compromised at best, completely corrupt at worst.
I need to watch the whole thing.

The pipe bomb story may be the one that breaks them if it can be proved and they can out the guy who did it as an FBLie "contractor"
If it walks like a Fed, talks like a Fed, its usually a Fed

He's obviously being protected. The entire J6 farce was an entrapment operation by our government on its own people.
They’re way beyond partisan , they’re fucking criminals.
I fault the FBLie for going along with it. Fucking Gestapo should be disbanded
Not just the FBLie, this was a “whole of government” operation . Fedsurrection.

Your government despises you

the FBI reinstated Allen’s security clearance on May 31 and reimbursed him for the years he was on unpaid leave, according to a letter from the FBI

‘She Continues to Pose Political Violence Threat.’

Excerpt from the above ^^:

A Muslim U.S. District Court Judge overseeing the case, Zia Faruqui, handed down a $103,000 fine....
And so it begins ladies and gentlemen. I suggest you prepare yourselves for what IS coming. :headbang::mad: