Today a guy was walking around, I noticed him right away and figured he was up to no good, as it turns out I was right. I was able to call 911 within 10 seconds of him entering my neighbors driveway. I also gave them a call, and they stated they saw him run out
He went up their driveway through their open driveway gate, and through their open back door and stole a handful of junk and then left. They ran when they saw me on the phone and said "Oh, there he is"
Full videos, watch the guy come down the driveway
I'm starting to think I need some cameras zoomed in on the sidewalk. It seems 99% of the time I'm catching people doing things to other people, not me
Then he turns around
Hangs out at the junk apartments for a second and enters my neighbors driveway
Here is me walking over there and seeing him leave
And the video I got of him running
Some stills

He went up their driveway through their open driveway gate, and through their open back door and stole a handful of junk and then left. They ran when they saw me on the phone and said "Oh, there he is"
Full videos, watch the guy come down the driveway
I'm starting to think I need some cameras zoomed in on the sidewalk. It seems 99% of the time I'm catching people doing things to other people, not me
Then he turns around
Hangs out at the junk apartments for a second and enters my neighbors driveway
Here is me walking over there and seeing him leave
And the video I got of him running
Some stills