JFK Files


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
The Swamp

The CIA murders JFK.
The Warren Commission absolves the CIA.
Nixon knows the CIA murdered JFK.
4 of the 5 Watergate burglars work for the CIA.
The CIA frames Nixon for Watergate.
Ford is chosen as Nixon's replacement.
Ford was on the Warren Commission.

How on God's Green Earth can anti-Trump liberals ACTUALLY believe corruption in government STARTED in 2016 BECAUSE of Donald Trump?The centerpiece of the downward spiral of our nation will always circle around to that fateful day on November 22nd, 1963. The day our own government murdered a sitting U.S. President on live T.V. who tried to push back against the cabal for We, The People, while a compliant media covered it all up & still does to this day.

Corruption is being exposed at the inducted speed of Light.The public should be FURIOUS!!!People are starting to realize our government has been corrupt since it's inception & not only was President Trump NOT responsible for that, he's responsible for helping expose that fact.People are awake now more than any other point in history and they're starting to SEE it.

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Supposedly today. But for the record, I have a hard time believing that the CIA would "hide" documents proving them responsible and/or complicit for almost 70 years.
That stuff was likely flushed a long time ago
Yeah, but...those 3 letter guys tend to keep everything. The worst stuff is hard copy only. Maybe redacted copies somewhere also. But they keep that shit because they truly believe that they can control it.
The dichotomy of the JFK files

Why hold them so close for so many decades? The IC is who has prevented them from coming out. The very group suspected of doing it.

On the other hand,

If they could assassinate a President, they can certainly scrub or destroy the files showing their involvement given 60 years to do it
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The three top suspects.
All had a motive

Occam’s Razor
The most likely and least difficult guess is CIA who co-opted LBJ or had his support.

But I don’t think we’ll see definitive “we did it” proof.

Kash Patel says there’s something in there that most are missing. Something other than whodoneit? He’s seen them

Sub plot:
Again I don’t think we’ll see evidence either way but I am more than convinced there was a shooter in front of the motorcade.
  • My eyes
  • The zapruder film
  • Magic bullet
  • Dr McClelland
Yeah, I wouldn't rule out the mob or Cuba as well. WE will truly never know.
No need to protect the Mob or Castro. Someone has been protecting someone for 60 years

And no, we'll never know.

I can't imagine finding anything in there that says "We did it"
Unless there's a CIA employee expense report that lists "Detail expense" _____ Ammunition for 6.5mm Carcano
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