LaView NVR to BI at remote location


Young grasshopper
Apr 4, 2015
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I have questions regarding setting up a NVR on location A, to BI on location B, if it's possible - locations are in different states.
I have a LaView NVR new setup, model LV-KND988P86D242-T2. Comes with 4 bullet cameras model LV-PB932F4 and 2 dome LV-PD50208. These are POE. The NVR is located in my vacation home, location A and the BI is located at my everyday home, location B.

The NVR it's been setup good, with remote access, and works good. Internal Server port 8xxx and Internal HTTP port 8yyy and internal RTSP port 8zzz had been configured right - forwarding.
I can successfully acces the NVR from inside the network using local IP 192.168.x.x:8yyy using a web browser, or from outside the network using either external IP or router DNS eg: (where 8yyy is the HTTP port). I am required for viewing to install a activex plugin.
I cannot access individual cameras since they are on a different subnet created by the NVR, unless I hardwire to the NVR with a PC - I can configure them to get some IP in the NVR's subnet, configure HTTP port, user and password.
Checking the NVR status network the Internal ports that I forwarded already have next to them "External Ports" for HTTP , Server and RSTP, that are different from the m internal - I did not touch that, nor I know what are the meaning of them.

In the location B, BI is running a few local cameras successful. I was trying hard to get the NVR to live stream and maybe record on the BI without success. I tried external IP or DNS under Generic, with RTSP ports 8xxx, 8zzz and 8yyy but no results. I also connected over VPN and tried local ip with the same ports, no results, no image. I keep getting either socket error, RTSP error, connection reset, connection failed.

Any help would be greatly appreciated . I do have a feeling that I might have to port toward those "External ports" found in the NVR and try those, but I'm not sure. I can access the NVR just fine over a web browser internal or external, and have streaming as long as Activex plugin is installed.

Thank you all!


Young grasshopper
Apr 4, 2015
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No suggestions, anyone? Can I pull the NVR live view into BI? If yes, how do I do it? Individual cameras, or the whole system at once? What commands do I use? Ports? Any suggestions, at all?

Thank you!


Staff member
Mar 10, 2014
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Well, for starters, what are your internet speeds at locations A and B? Since you would be uploading all these video streams from location A, upload speed is what matters there. Download speed is what matters at location B.

Also, if your internet providers have any kind of data caps or a "fair access policy" that prohibits excessive usage, you won't be able to stream much to Blue Iris without getting on the internet provider's shit list. It would use too much bandwidth, even if you had all the cameras sending only sub streams. Even one camera stream at a very low bit rate like ... 256 Kbps ... running non stop would be 83 gigabytes transfered every month.

If you have sufficient network speed and no transfer limits, then you should be able to accomplish your goal. I don't know if you will be able to get the video straight out of your NVR, or if you will have to redesign the network at location A so you can access the cameras directly over a VPN.


Young grasshopper
Apr 4, 2015
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Well, download is 50Mb and Upload is 5 Mb. No caps. Looking to get only 3 cameras on substream, or all. I should be fine, I assume.
My best bet, I did not tried it, is to connect with BI to the external IP of the NVR but instead to invoke NVR's http port (8xxx) I would invoke a camera port and/or channel, that I would forward into the router too.
Not sure that it will work, neither the commands, but I was hoping someone did this before, maybe not on my brand NVR, but other.
I wanted to get suggestions before I start opening ports and messing stuff up.


Staff member
Mar 10, 2014
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If you have a working VPN, just use that and don't worry about forwarding ports in your router. It is far more secure with a VPN.