Neighbor woke up to a man hovering over her bed the other night at 3AM. Luckily his presence woke her up and when she bolted up and screamed WTF he got scared and ran back out the side door. I didn´t ask but I think she left her side door unlocked. We live in a row of identical small garden cottages from the 1930s. Pretty, but very easy to get into if left unsecured, especially if you´re not using the locks ... that said...
My security is already pretty hardened, bump proof deadbolts, dowels in all windows, vibration detectors on all windows and doors, etc. You may get in over time if you´re bound and determined but not without a good deal of effort and a hell of a lot of noise. No way you´re getting in undetected.
That said I´d like to add some lightbulb security cams so I can see what´s going on outside the cottage, take pics, communicate, video etc. Plan to put one on both entryway doors (front & side). Would love to hear your recs, experiences, etc with lightbulb security cams. Thanks!