All i have.In July 2019 someone on the IPVM site obtained it from UNV. Read the last entry which has a name and e-mail at UNV which may or may not be valid after that length of time ==>> UNV NVR HTTP API Anyone?
If Know how to use it please share with me an example (full example).I find this today
Hi bro did u find any solution for your problemhi!
I can't get authorization to work when trying to 'talk' to my UNIVIEW DVR?
things like
curl -v '' --digest -u adminASSWORD
just give me 'not authorized" errors?
Hi Joel, Even i'm facing the same issue.Hi,
How to Fix ""ResponseCode": 1, ResponseString": "Common Error" while using Light API for UNI-VIEW NVR?
I'm new to this uni-view DVR's and its api's. When I'm tryng Light API, I get an error for all api's Im using. I need to get the available recordings/playbacks in uniview NVR.
Is there any other ways to get the recording rather than the LAPI's?