Listen up people --- Florida is not a fully tamed State

Wow, that picture was taken yesterday in Central Pasco county and there is certainly no shortage here. The gazebo was painted over the winter so maybe it is still giving off VOCs and they are attracted to that. Not so many where they normally accumulate in the window wells.
Exact;y. I think it has WAYYYY more to do with precipitation/temp, or lack thereof.

Havent seen them up here in Lake, but then we've been bone dry for 4 weeks
Interesting read, IMO, in Wikipedia => Lovebug
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I remember back when Florida used to use airplanes to ticket speeders too. Can't remember the year I last saw the warning signs.

Yep, I recall that as well, Atlanta to Daytona Beach, FL. I think it was old U.S. Hwy's 41 and 19, later being replaced by I-75. Probably have those numbers wrong, it's been 65 years.

There were markers painted on the roadway so the pilot could calculate your ground speed from the air.
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