Listen up people --- Florida is not a fully tamed State


Known around here
Jun 30, 2018
Every time I read similar articles of gators vs. people, especially small children, and dogs near bodies of water, streams, ponds, marshes.. FL, I am saddened and puzzled. Saddened for obvious reasons but puzzled because I don't understand why more people don't know about this danger and take it seriously.
  • I know about it and I don't live in FL.
  • I know about it because I read the news online or hear about it on TV news.
  • I know about it because I pay attention....where are people's heads?
Do those that DO KNOW of the dangers and DO HAVE small children or relatives and friends NOT WARN them periodically and remind them of the danger?

Especially visitors that are not familiar with the area...are they not dilligently warned of the danger by the locals? They would, I think, have the best reason for not being informed and aware because of their unfamiliarity with the area. In those cases I would sincerely hope the locals would consider it their obligation and duty to inform them and insure they do not take the warning lightly.
This one makes be very sad for the family. From Nebraska and probably should have known but don't blame them for not knowing. It still bothers me to this sad.

The woman definitely wasn't aware of her surroundings. You can see the gator start coming towards them at the 34 second mark in the video.
True....but I would not expect much in that regard from an 85 year old, maybe even one that has lived there for a while. People get too used to routine, nothing's ever happened before so they take things for granted and let their guard down.

Unfortunately there's also many, many much younger people these days that are on cruise control when it comes to situational awareness, face glued to smartphone, earbuds plugged in, etc. :idk:
Florida appears to be a concealed carry state. Why didn't the lady, knowing the deanger of gators, apply for a concealed carry permit? I know gators aren't easy to kill but it would have at least been some defence that might have turned it away even with a non fatal shot. Gator hunters kill them with a .22lr, mostly to preserve the hide, albeit with a very precise shot. That said, I'm sure a large calibre such as .45, .357 or 10mm would have increased the chances with a less precise shot compared to the hunters favourite.

Also, on the common sense point, if you're old and maybe can't move quickly, why go right down to the waters edge? Would be better to walk 30 feet away further back to provide less of a target.

FInally as much as she might love her dog, sometimes its better to offer it up than become lunch yourslef.
Also, on the common sense point, if you're old and maybe can't move quickly, why go right down to the waters edge? Would be better to walk 30 feet away further back to provide less of a target.

IMO, it's because the "common sense" of what you speak is not, in fact, all that common and these days is disappearing rapidly.

I'm thinking her age has a lot to with that also. I imagine if I even make it to 85 a lot of it will have leaked out of my ears by then.....:lmao:
gators are very quick and could easily out run a 30 year old man or woman
Lions Tigers Bears and Alligators, something just doesn't sound right, right Dorthy?
Out here in 'Deer Crossing" territory, it's not the 1st. dang deer it's "oh crap, where did he come from" deer!
we actually have a big cat sanctuary closed to where I live and sometimes we can hear lions roaring, we also have lots of bears, panthers, coyotes crocodiles and pythons. Florida is not all palm trees and bikinis lol
Don't know if true or not but I have been told that gators cannot back up. This guy was caught between a wall and stair landing. The guy that happened upon him came down the stairs and heard the hissing when he set foot on the bottom landing.
It wasn't happy when it finally got free. I don't know if they can climb stairs but retreated before finding out. IMG_20110510_003438.jpgIMG_20110510_004238.jpgIMG_20110510_004340.jpg
  • Wow
Reactions: JDreaming and TonyR
Pissing on a gator is frowned upon down here....

Rivera said that he had little memory of what happened, telling the station that he recalled the bathroom lines were long, and he had gone outside to relieve himself when he suddenly fell.
"I ended up in the water," he said. "And that’s literally the last thing I remember."