Logitech C922 low fps issue


Dec 23, 2023
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i'm using a Logitech C922 Pro webcam via USB which is supposed to display 1080p@30 / 720p@60. In Logitech G-Hub / Logi Capture software, the video is consistent with these specifications. However, in Blue Iris, I can't get more than 5 fps in 1080p. It doesn't seem to be a performance issue; the machine still has plenty of capacity. It appears rather that these values are hardcoded in some way. In 1080p, I get 5 fps, in 720p I get 10 fps, 25 fps in 480p, etc. I've disabled all potentials fps/rate limit and tried all the settings I could, any ideas? :(

Here is a screenshot of the video tab/camera status


Dec 23, 2023
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Hi TonyR and thanks for your response,

yes, I've tried pretty much all the options in the Video and Advanced tabs.
Actually, the FPS always correspond to the value that is automatically capped in the "Stream/Format" tab of the "Advanced" button;
every time I open this tab, the settings are reset to default to:
  • FPS: 30.000
  • Compression: YUY2
  • Size: 640 x 360
If I try to increase the resolution to 1920 x 1080 on this tab, the FPS option is automatically capped at 5.000 when I click apply. See:


The only setting that allows me to apply a resolution of 1920x1080@30fps is to change the compression from YUY2 to MJPG, but even when I validate these options, the stream remains at 1920x1080@5fps.
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Dec 23, 2023
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Does anyone have a suggestion?

For now, I've managed to 'fix' the problem by utilizing Logi Capture's stream as a virtual camera, but it's obviously disadvantageous and significantly less resource-efficient.

I've managed to make it work at 1080@30 in G-Hub, Logi Capture, VLC, and even in the Windows Camera utility without any trouble. I can't believe there's no way to achieve the same with BI.


Dec 23, 2023
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The issue is still ongoing, even the Blue Iris support is not responding...
Still no suggestions here? In that case, could I get advice on purchasing a new USB 1080@30fps camera with a standard 1/4" screw mount, and one that doesn't cause any problems with Blue Iris?


Feb 24, 2020
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Im gonna give a crack at this since I weirdly happen to have a little experience with ALMOST this exact situation and not sure what your comfort level is with things like Linux and such but before I go all backstory etc, my suggestion is a weird one. If you are using Blue Iris and a USB webcam directly.... check out ... and hear me out here ... The Dolby Voice camera - vcu9005-1 - model: cid1008. You can find these gems on ebay for like $5-15 depending on shipping etc. But the camera itself is pretty amazing its 4K@30 / 1080@60 / 120@720. under YUV2 and the specs on MJPG are also pretty good, It meets UVC requirements and I remember just plug and play and was able to even hit 60 FPS @ 1080 (if I recall properly).

Now I will say depending on your use case the others are correct and a IP camera will be much better due to things like built In low light / IR etc....

That Said If you'd like to hear a little of my reasons and such I invite you to read this as it may actually be helpful as I am revisiting this as I am planning to move some equipment around which will also modify what I am doing due to space.

So the reason I am using USB Cameras is for monitoring my 3d Printers. I happened to literally have one of those dolby cameras fall into my lap and research I guess they were doing a conference room solution right as covid hit so it got abandoned pretty quickly after. However, dolby being dolby the hardware is quite nice. So I was looking for something I could setup and use with BI since my orginal plan of using Octoprint went out the window due to the printers I use are not specifically (at the time) available for octoprint, it also didnt make sense to run a completely seperate camera system when I could feed these cameras into BI. So I turned to Logitech Cameras much like the 933. Infact I have 3x 920s and a 933 and something else, what I found out about that is that SOME of the 920s had the h.264 encoder in the camera itself. So, if you have that its by far the easiest. So check webcam specs for h.264 if you want the absolute best plug and play. At least in my experience. However, the reason you wont find many logitechs with h.264 anymore is they went away from that due to PC hardware / software becoming so much more powerful it was a non issue to conver MJPG or YUV on the PC vs the camera. So using linux and the V4l2 you can plug a camera in and see all the specs and thats where I saw there were a some 920s with and without h.264. So I had to figure a new way as I wanted to stream multiple cameras. Also, Raspberry Pi wasn't going to cut it at this point.

So while this is most likely beyond what anyone else would do or even want to do, I built a PC from old parts I had (4770K with a 1050 ti in it), installed Debian. Then using MediaMTX and GStreamer I was able to convert the YUV streams to h.264 and use RSTP to send the video to BI. I am sending 4 cameras currently (all those dolby ones... I bought like 10 lol), and the debian box is using about 30% cpu and less than 5% GPU But thats more because the transcoding isn't super stressful and uses about 80 MB of video ram for the transcodes. BI I setup as any other RTSP stream and its been great like the rest of my cameras.

Now I am thinking of moving my printers to a more enclosed space and the case I put my PC in to stream is justtttttt too big to put on the shelf the way I'd like. So based on measurements and such I am looking to see if I can run the same streams without the GPU, If BI will capture the YUV2 Raw streams etc.

I really hope this can help as I know how frustrating it is to not be able to solve a very one off problem as you can see here haha.


Feb 24, 2020
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Just wanted to give you an update (in case you or anyone else reads this).... The Dolby Cams work plug and play but are USB3 so you have to have that port on the PC if going direct. having a 3d Printer and wanting to get back one of my Rpis I decided to re-case my C920s and remove the auto focus and add a wide angle lens so I could put them in / close to the printers and see everything. These absolutely require transcoding them to H264 if you are planning to stream them RTSP as MJPG is very bandwidth heavy and assuming it doesn't have the built in H264 the YUV format only works up to 5 FPS on 1080 at least on the cams I have.... So I have 5 cameras running off a linux box using gstreamer, transcoding the Dolby YUV2 1080/30 to h264 and the C920s converting those MJPG streams to h264 and sending rtsp to the BI server. Now the BI is in the same closet so I threw one of the Dolby cams on it as well and it actually can work at 60 fps, but it eats up resources so I dropped it to 1080/30 and much better system use. So hopefully this helps you or anyone else looking to feed USB cams into their BI.