Long time BI user, many new problems


Getting the hang of it
Dec 3, 2016
I have had an issue connecting to UI3 with Edge browser on one computer. So, I go into the server to see what I can find and to change the ip address to a different one. Nope, no can do. I can't edit the server ip address field?? Then I go to add my new iPhone 16 to mobile devices. Nope, everything is greyed out. I can delete the old devices but not add new?? WTF?

I also see I am not getting updates. If I check for updates, it shows me the most recent one available but the box to update to it is greyed out. Since my V5 upgrade period expired May 2023. OK, I guess that BI has gone down the subscription rabbit hole even for basic updates now and not just for new versions as in the past... and I don't like it, but that's the way these days. :-( But I don't expect basic functions of the existing installation to just stop working.

I tried to renew for updates, and I see why that failed via the Digital River mess. So, I'll try from the BI website. I hope getting updates will fix my problems but even if so, this really sucks. The old "unsupported" installation may not receive updates but should not lose basic functionality.
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OK, I visited the BI site and am more confused (than usual!). I don't see any way to just resume getting updates. V5 is still for sale and is still sold as a 1-time purchase and the only add on is the extra tech support package, which I don't want. All I want is to resume getting routine updates and to get this thing functioning again. If it matters, I am on v5.7.5.6
When you purchase BI, your license is good for one year of updates, so you can use and stay with any version within that year for as long as you like.

You do not lose functionality for the version you purchased. It does not turn off features if you don't purchase maintenance support.

Many here are still running version 4 or some older version of 5 just fine with expired maintenance, including me!

There is something else going on with your system- you logged into an account without admin control or something else.

If you want a version that came out AFTER your one year is up, then you need to purchase a 1 year maintenance plan from within BI. But like I said, that is not the reason for your issues.

UI3 was originally designed/optimized around Chrome so try that browser.
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My proximal issue with the one Edge failure to connect from one laptop (Edge still works fine on several other PCs and devices) led me to go into the server where I found these other issues. I am logged in as admin and can edit most stuff, just not the things I listed. Makes no sense. Maybe I'll try to back up my config, uninstall the software, then re-install it. That is if I can figure out how to reinstall the old version that I have. LOL.

The thing is that this is not a hobby or passion like it is for many here. I just want it to work and not need to be messed with. I am getting close to bailing and just getting one of those cloud based setups like Tapo with local SD card recording. I know, not the same thing and not the same bells and whistles. But cheap and easy. I have a setup like that at my mom's house to keep an eye on her and it works fine and needs zero attention.
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Well, I just found and bought the 1-year service package. Uninstalled BI then installed I still have all the same issues. LOL. Can't edit the server ip address... the cursor actually clicks into the box and flashes normally and I can highlight the entry but delete keys and number keys don't register. I also can't add my new mobile device. LOL.
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I'm confused, if other computers connect fine to your BI server, then why would you change settings on it? I would think your issue is on the laptop that won't connect. but it's kind of a guessing game here of your issue.
Yes, everything connects fine except the link to the UI3 page on Edge browser on the MacBook air. Which has worked fine for over a year. This cropped up when I did a repair on the MBA (installed a new trackpad) and disconnected the battery. Not sure why or even if that caused the problem but that was the only recent anomaly.

And using Safari or Chrome on that same MBA also still connects fine via UI3. I was just going to try to change the server ip address as a test to see if that would restore access from Edge, which is my main browser. That is when I found the BI server issues that won't allow me to edit the ip address or add a new mobile device.

I'm confused, if other computers connect fine to your BI server, then why would you change settings on it? I would think your issue is on the laptop that won't connect. but it's kind of a guessing game here of your issue.
If it works fine with other browsers on the computer then changing the IP address won't make it work for Edge. The issue is Edge, not your BI server or IP address.

I am guessing Edge updated on that computer that is blocking the UI3 port from working.

I would start there with investigating Edge.
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Digging more into this, my entire BI installation seems to be corrupt. No way to edit the web server ip, no way to add a mobile device... yet the ftp server and e-mail servers can be edited normally and added to with the "+" buttons. Now I found that the profiles for each camera are gone and all back to green for 24/7, whereas I had specific day and night home and away profiles drawn. These profiles are still listed, but the drop down boxes for the cams only show one and don't allow others to be selected or any of them to be drawn or edited. Probably even more stuff awry. I have tried importing old settings but it is the same. I guess I am going to need to try to thoroughly delete the software and all registration entries and rebuild the entire thing. I should have know there were problems since I have not been getting e-mail alerts recently. Still getting them on the phone app, however. All very strange.
This is officially driving me nuts. I uninstalled BI, deleted all the old files, and when I reinstalled it is like I had done nothing. All my cams are back without me having to do any setup or enter my registration key. Somehow the registry is not getting updated for the deletion. I need to figure out how to scrub my compute of all things BI so I can rebuild it from scratch.
So, I went into the registry editor and deleted all the Perspective software entries. I also deleted all the program folders and data and all the data folders. Reboot the PC, re-install BI, and it comes back exactly the same LOL. All my cams displayed with old settings, not asking for my registration key, etc. It's like the ultimate virus.

This is very odd as I have been using BI for maybe 15 years and been through several PCs, version upgrades and BI reinstallations and never had an issue.