Looking for a IP cam viewer


Young grasshopper
Jul 5, 2014
I am needing a IP cam viewer. A program that will display all my cams at one time. 9 cameras total. It does not need to record or do anything special.

Right now I use ip cam viewer on my android phone. But would like to have something that will work on my laptop or desktop.

Thanks for the help
Not yet. But I was looking for a free program if there was one out there. I found IP Cam Viewer. http://www.deskshare.com/ip-camera-viewer.aspx But it only shows 4 cameras. And the Pro version has way to many features I dont need. Plus it is $90. lol
Deskshare is a total ripoff...If all you want is local viewing just use ispy which is free. If you want remote viewing (ispy charges a monthly fee for remote view), then just use blue iris, its 50 dollars. http://blueirissoftware.com/purchase/
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