Looking for some more opinion on where to place the camera on the north side of my house.
General information:
Without a camera on this side of the house there is a dead spot in coverage. The purpose of a camera would be to view this portion of my property and to have additional footage in the event something were to happen. The best I can describe what I am looking for is a lower height overview, if that's a thing. Also, as an additional note, my house backs up to a road and a walking path. My fence goes to the property line and my neighbor built his fence 10 or 12 feet off of the property line. This leaves an alley that some people like to use as a cut through. I know people doing this is not my problem because it is on his property, but it provides a means of access to my property that would not normally be there if his fence was to the property line. My front door/porch is on the corner of my house and the porch is accessible from the front or the side; this opens up opportunities for how someone could approach the front door.
This area of the yard is well lit by a Tendelux IR illuminator.
I had initially installed my camera for this side on the second story soffit and adjusted it to just short of 3.6mm. After reviewing all of my locations I decided to try it down lower on the first floor soffit. From there I tried it a bit lower and further back on the house. The last test location was the corner fence post.
My instinct is to use the first story soffit location and rotate the camera to get less of the neighbor's garage and more of the yard in the lower left of the frame. I will still have some DO of the sidewalk but be able to observe more of my yard at a lower height.
See the screen captures and notes below. Hopefully you can follow along, but let me know if I need to provide any more info.
For reference, these are the locations of each capture.

This is from the original location. Varifocal set to just shy of 3.6mm.
I was not unhappy with this as a DOr location. It let me see the front/side yard and where someone came from or went if they became a person of interest. It's height made it a soft r and an unlikely I location.
This is from Position 2. Varifocal set to 2.8mm.
After moving down to the first floor soffit I felt I was able to retain a similar DO to the upper soffit location but had a better angle which increased R and gives possible I ability to anyone approaching my front porch from the yard.
This is from Position 3. Varifocal set to 2.8mm.
I chose this specific position because there is a chase on the other side of the wall that will give me easier access for cabling. The downside is the bush would need to be kept trimmed and will likely block most of the lower portion of the frame even if maintained regularly. It is also above/behind my furnace vent and will likely be obstructed by the discharge air on colder nights. I lose some DO down the sidewalk but have a better angle with the lower install height. Adjusting the focal length will obviously give better results for RI. I do like that I am potentially able to see more of the yard and my neighbor's alley opening, but given the other noted issues I don't feel this is a good candidate.
This is from Position 4. Varifocal set to 3.6mm.
I thought I would try this location just to see what I would see. I lose all DO for anyone coming/going on the sidewalk but have the ability to turn more towards the house and increase zoom for a better face level image over the front yard. A downside is I see people at the porch and not people approaching the porch. I am not totally opposed to adding this as a future location to supplement #2.
For reference, this is the only other coverage I have of this portion of my yard. I realize the focus of each of these is for someone on the porch and at the door, but thought it relevant to provide any angles that include the portion of the yard in question.