Looking for advice on my install locations.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Mebbe try metadata


Known around here
Jul 30, 2020
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Here's showing plenty of IR and with a person, hit and miss with IVS and I've been doing this for a while

View attachment 198080

View attachment 198081
When you watch live in the GUI, are you seeing the person lit up with a blue square, but not triggering the IVS rule? When I was testing, I would be identified and followed with the blue square, but it was about a 5% success rate whether it would trip my tripwire.


Known around here
Jul 30, 2020
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I finally decided to put the Path cam on the back burner and will re-visit it at a later time.

I did however make some upgrades. I swapped out the 2.8mm IR54-AS (5442) over the deck with the 2.8mm Color4K-T that I won in the last lottery. It was supposed to be a 3.6mm, but a 2.8mm showed up and I made the best of what I received. I don't have a lot of light around the house, so use cases were limited either way, but I do run the lights all night on the deck so it seemed like a good swap. I was surprised that the FOV was narrower with the 4K-T even though it was 2.8mm vs 2.8mm.

I lose coverage of the edges at night by going to color from IR, but I'm still not overly mad at it since I have other IR cams that cover where this falls off.

5442 vs Color4K-T at night
Deck 2024-08-01 PM.jpg Deck 2024-08-02 PM.jpg

5442 vs Color4X-T during the day. You can see how it has narrowed from the 5442.
Deck 2024-08-02 PM.jpg Deck 2024-08-03 AM.jpg

I then took the opportunity to replace the 5MP front door wedge with the 2.8mm 5442 from the deck and I couldn't be happier. I knew this from before, but the 5442 is better in every way. I can run it in color at night and also am not struggling as much with the backlit scene from the amount of sky in the FOV. I would have issues with the face darkening as they got closer to the camera, and then they would need to stall for a second for the WDR to help out. Also, since I can run it in color, I won't struggle with copious motion clips/alerts due to banding from the LED bulbs. (This may be a reason I have so many items in my records.)

5MP wedge
Front_Door 2023-01-06 PM.jpg Front_Door 2024-07-27 PM.jpg

Front_Door 2024-08-14 PM.jpg


Known around here
Jul 30, 2020
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Time for more advice. tl;dr at the bottom.

I have a tree by my front porch that needs to be removed because it was a horrible choice and never should have been planted there. I plan to redo the bed/edging and replace it with more of a shrub tree. Currently the tree will obstruct the view of both of the LPRs and PTZ if I don't keep it trimmed, but eventually I won't be able to trim it back anymore.

I am looking to take this opportunity to make some changes, get some opinions, and possibly de-Ft. Knox the look of my house at the same time.

This is the front porch corner of the house. On the left is a 4K-T that overlooks this section of the yard and my PTZ, on the right corner is the LPR. During this work I plan to set a post with a "Welcome" sign between the column and tree. This will have a birdhouse camera on the top to capture faces coming up the house walk. The bed edging will be 4x6, tall side up, and come out level, and above flush, with the house walk. So keep in mind this will add some elevation above ground level.

This is what I will need to deal with, over time, if I leave the LPR on the soffit. I am shooting the gap to the left of the tree, but eventually it will be in the way.

This is my other LPR and my spotter for the PTZ. (IR flood in the middle)

I am currently shooting the gap between the tree and the flag pole.

My plan would be to extend the bed out from the corner of the house and plant a tree shrub like this one. I would then move the PTZ to where the LPR was and relocate both LPRS to an enclosure in the bed, to eventually be hidden by the tree.

These are the current angles of the LPRs and spotter (orange spotter will not be moved) compared to the proposed location. I would probably re-FOV them so they are focused on the middle of the road and not just one lane.
Z12E Now.png Z12E Later.png

This would then allow me to move the PTZ. The new location would give me more coverage up the sidewalk where it is parked, and also more time to swing and park when called to location by the spotter, especially as the tree in that direction grows. Old is yellow and proposed is orange.

  • I am removing a tree that hinders my LPR and PTZ FOVs. It also causes IR washout with the PTZ from the LPR IRs.
  • I want to make my house look less like Ft. Knox with all of the Z12E bullets on the front.
  • I want to move my LPRS to ground level-ish.
  • I want to move the PTZ to the opposite corner of the soffit.

  • Will there be any issues or concerns with ground level LPR cameras?
  • Does any of this sound like a horrible idea?
  • Should I look to point the LPRs further down the street?

- People or other obstructions due to the LPRs being mounted so low.


IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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Keep Ft. Knox for the deterrent factor LOL

@samplenhold has his LPRs low to the ground and work without issue.

I have cameras low to the ground and work without issue.

You do bring up a good point with the LPR low is depending on where you put them, you could get a car parked on your driveway that blocks it. Or someone just happens to walk past it on the sidewalk at the same time the plate goes by.

Taking that tree out would give you much more range on the PTZs and better sight lines.


Known around here
Jul 30, 2020
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Keep Ft. Knox for the deterrent factor LOL

@samplenhold has his LPRs low to the ground and work without issue.

I have cameras low to the ground and work without issue.

You do bring up a good point with the LPR low is depending on where you put them, you could get a car parked on your driveway that blocks it. Or someone just happens to walk past it on the sidewalk at the same time the plate goes by.

Taking that tree out would give you much more range on the PTZs and better sight lines.
Yea, I knew he had his in a flower bed, but wasn't sure if he had any complaints.

I'll need to take a look and see how steep of an angle I can go to be between driveways, to lessen the chance of a parked car blocking the FOV. North to the neighbor shouldn't be bad, but I could see a random issue with the one crossing my driveway.