Looking for outdoor PTZ that's not a massive big brother camera for my house

To touch on this, if there are multiple fixed cameras (3-4) covering a good area, but one would want a PTZ camera, essentially for license plate coverage (which of course end up being in a "set" position") Would it then be better to get a camera that can "zooom" to that area, and stay focused there (vairfocal?) or a ptz that can "zoom" into that area and stay focused?
My experience with my sole Dahua PTZ (SD49225T-HN) is that while it can be made to change to a preset, it takes time to move there, and an additional time to change the focal distance. By then the plate is long gone. A dedicated varifocal is the ideal camera for plate capture, IMHO.
My experience with my sole Dahua PTZ (SD49225T-HN) is that while it can be made to change to a preset, it takes time to move there, and an additional time to change the focal distance. By then the plate is long gone. A dedicated varifocal is the ideal camera for plate capture, IMHO.

thanks ill look for a varifocal starlight