Looking for rack mount ears for Hikvision 7608 NVR


Left side, this is with the NVR centered in the rack, it is this long on both sides, well past the holes. Sorry for the low light pic, just reference the screws above.

Anyone found a good source on the rackmount ears for the narrow model? Just received mine today thinking it had ears in the box only to find that it didnt. Been looking around this afternoon on the net and cant find them anywhere for a non-exorbitant price. Crazy that they used to include them in the box and now they seem to be a $50+ accessory.. here in australia anyway.
Last year I ordered what I thought was going to be the rack ears for the wide model 7608, but turned out to be for the narrow model, from Nelly's Security. The cost was like $15 U.S. I returned them and found some other generic Cisco switch mounts on Ebay that fit my wide NVR.
This is kind of late but if you can't find ears, why not just install a shelf and set the NVR on that? We have two racks (1 two post, 1 four post) with some older equipment that who knows where the ears are so we just installed shelves and set the equipment on them.
Just a suggestion!