LPR in fiber pedestal


Jan 4, 2020
Los Angeles
Has anyone converted one of those green fiber pedestals into a semi-covert LPR station?


My neighborhood has two at the front of every yard, don't think anybody would notice/mind a third. I have zero need for LPR but have always wondered if it would work.


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That's a pretty good idea, IMO, but just be aware.....
Depending on local regulations, one has to be careful about installing anything in the public right-of-way (ROW) which is generally reserved for utility services (electricity, water, gas, cable, telephone, etc.) who have a installation and maintenance easement. The ROW can vary but should appear on local GIS maps.
Stay out of the ROW and you'd be OK.

I'd call these people in TX and ask if they have any "seconds" or the like with slight structural or cosmetic defects they'd like to sell cheap. :cool:

EDIT 8/25/24 @ 1424 CDT: In CA be sure to call USA (Underground Service Alert , Call Before You Dig) at 811 at least two working days before you start digging with any power equipment.
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I am confused. It look like you have already done it?

If I were to mount a fake utility container, I would not pick one so large.
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If I were to mount a fake utility container, I would not pick one so large.
I'd consider the 22" tall x 9.5" diameter model; the ribbed part goes below ground, like a pull box and the smooth cylinder part is above ground.
I think that's the CPH-920. I imagine these are NOT cheap unless they do have some "seconds", etc.

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I'd consider the 22" tall x 9.5" diameter model; the ribbed part goes below ground, like a pull box and the smooth cylinder part is above ground.
I think that's the CPH-920. I imagine these are NOT cheap unless they do have some "seconds", etc.

View attachment 201876

Was thinking more "urban camouflage" since those are the exact boxes currently in my yard, but I'm not picky- if one of these pops up for the right price, I'll definitely pick it up and give it a shot. I almost wonder if I could go smaller too with a turret outside it's housing since it'll be so close to the road. Any suggestions for IR on a round design like this?

I had reached out to a couple local fiber supply houses previously with no luck, but might be worth a renewed effort.
The turret would have to get within 35ish feet of where the plate would be. Works well on a mailbox, but depending on how far away from the street the box is, it might get tough.

As long as the front is just past the box to not get IR bounce, the IR from just the camera will be sufficient.
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Watch you put one there, and then people start posting on dslreports forum cheering that Fiber is coming to their neighborhood
Looks awesome, normal people will know that is a camera, but if your neighbours are watching this forum, may know that is a camera. ;)
Wow free batteries and camera!
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