LPR / Security Cam duty

So fixed my "CPU" issues after a long drawn out investigation.

Back to the LPR, I am finding once we get past 7pm or so here (sun sets around 930ish right now), using these settings results in a blurry mess:


But simply switching to "Auto" works quite well, though I assume Auto wouldn't work well with the sun full on.

I thought I read somewhere that the cameras in general have issues a couple hours pre/post dawn/dusk?
ANythng over 50 on DNR is gonna create motion blur
Even if I reduce it to 10-20, it's slightly less blurry, but plates can't be read. Curious to see tomorrow if "Auto" actually works throughout the day given how well it works right now.
And you have to go to fixed plates at night and the time just before/after sunrise and sunset.

Auto in daytime will work on sunny days, mostly sunny days. Cloudy days and rainy days it will not. Either fixed during the day or the customized range.

Playing with auto for LPR is like playing with fire LOL.
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Yeah, just find the current Day settings work great during the day, Night settings work great at night, but a couple hours before Sunset, neither the day nor night ones work.
That shutter is really really fast as .02 ms = 1/5000. Have you tried something like .5 - 1ms?

Gain at 50 and NR lower than 50 as well.
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Good catch. I didn’t notice the decimal at first. Should be 0.2 if using the intended range
Here are my current settings working very well

EntrTag0930-Day.jpg EntrTag0930.jpg
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I increase contrast to about 70
Please note each location is different. Distance, speed, angle, ambient light, etc. ... What works for me may not work for you
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