I've had cameras for several years, but never captured much besides wild life. A couple of days ago at 12:40 am, a guy strung out on drugs decided to spend 2-3 minutes looking at our unlocked (lock was broken) garage entry door, before going in and wandering around. The garage is remote from the house. He then came up the drive, went straight to the window of my shop and looked in. Then left, went to Town hall and stole a truck. He wrecked it 15 minutes later. When I found him on the video the next morning, I called the police, who came out wondering if it was the same fellow. Although the cameras were both temporary, and hardly optimized, the capture was good enough to ID him as the guy who stole the truck. The camera in the garage was sitting on a lawn mower because I had not completed the install, was testing the Ubiquiti M5, and it was the first night the camera was at the garage.
In the garage
At the house:
In the garage

Perp in garage
Perp on drugs in our lower garage at 12:45 am. He then walked around our property, down to BSG Town Hall where he stole a tuck, and wrecked it a few minutes later, and then jumped in the river. Camera

At the house:

Perp on drugs at House
Perp that entered garage and walked up driveway, looking in window, at 12:45 am. Then he went and stole a Town of BSG truck and wrecked it and tried to escape into the river.