Mic/speaker module for IP cameras (dahua/hikvision)


Jul 11, 2015
I am using ip cameras from dahua (Ipc-hdbw4300e-as) and hikvision (DS-2CD2132F-IWS), want to try out the two-way audio feature they support. However they only have audio in/out interface (dahua uses RCA, hikvision has some 4-pin plug). I figure it probably needs a powered speaker and a external mic to work?

I searched on ebay / amazon, the closest things I found are mics, like these:


I was hoping for a mic/speaker module, the kind used for intercomm on doors, but I cannot find a fitting one anywhere.

A few ones are close to what I want: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA1TY0YF3016 but I am not sure it would work with these ip cameras.

Anybody has experience on this?
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