microphone wind noise


Pulling my weight
Sep 9, 2018
Hi hope your all staying safe.
I recently installed a microseven to my DH-SD42212T-HN camera. and overall i'm really pleased with it.. the sound capture is good maybe a little to good. what i have noticed is a slight buzzing and a bit of wind noise. when viewing on my tv or laptop. so does anyone have any idea's to reduce the noise to zero.. what i have done already is put the finger part of a glove that i cut off on the end of the mic which as helped. what settings are best for the mic.

how i have set it up to the ptz. i used a male rca fitting on the camera. one little mistake i made at first ..i used the wrong wire's i used the red and black and wondered why it would'nt work. came on here read a few posts and found out what i had done wrong' should have came here first .
i have powered it using a power block it is a 12v dc block with all the correct amps. the block is only around 6ft away from the cam.
i do have the noise filter turned off the sound set at 50 percent and the mic set to ACC as i'm on youtube.
so any tips would be welcome,
A quick update on this microphone. i'm a bit dissapointed with it the sound quality. and wind noise is a issue with it . i have done the youtube checks for solutions. as well as getting in touch with microseven. none of the suggestions or things iv'e tried have made it any better. so i would not reccomend this mic over a cheaper one. so although i do have sound.. the expectation i had just didn't happen :(
I assume you tried a small (i.e. lapel) mic windscreen cover. If it is an area that may get wet, then it may not be good option.

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I assume you tried a small (i.e. lapel) mic windscreen cover. If it is an area that may get wet, then it may not be good option.

it's in a dry place and i tried a few diffrent covers. none made any diffrence . i moved it to a few other locations . with noise filter on and off .
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Only other way is using a notch filter (using capacitors and resistors). You'll need to find out the frequency range of the wind noise, hopefully it won't filter out any useful sounds.

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