Mobile network


Apr 5, 2021
Good afternoon. Hope this is the right section to ask this.
I have to use 4g mobile Internet at home. I am looking into maybe getting a pc based nvr, with blue iris, over a standalone nvr. Will I be able to remote view the cameras over the 4g network, using blue iris? I previously had a hikvision dvr, and had to use a third party app, as I can't forward any ports, or set static ip address with a mobile sim.
Thank you.
Your mobile 4G is likely CGNAT (Carrier Grade Network Address Translation), meaning no public IP is available to you.

Check this out==>> Blue Iris Secure Remote Access Using ZeroTier

Awesome video, thanks. Seems like your very own personal P2P system!.

I don't use Blue Iris, and I don't quite understand the secondary adapter address that Zero tier creates. Is that address temporarily assigned like DHCP ?. When configuring the WAN setting in BI, wouldn't that eventually stop working when the internal Zero Tier address changed ?
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