Known around here
Here's a pretty graph of what I like to call the social security tax trap, showing the high marginal rate "hump". The numbers must be for single filers.

The graph is from Taxation of Social Security benefits - Bogleheads
Another good page is Social Security tax impact calculator - Bogleheads
Bogleheads is a great source for tax and investing info. Good in-depth info without any of the extraneous fluff inserted by media outlets.
I am totally outraged by the deception and complexity of the tax code, fully attributable to the greedy politicians driven by lobbyists. I built a spreadsheet to brainstorm things like IRA withdrawals. I'm an engineer and believe that anything can be represented by an equation. I tried and tried and tried to make an equation out of the social security taxation worksheet. I failed, and finally built the whole dang worksheet, step by step, into the spreadsheet.

The graph is from Taxation of Social Security benefits - Bogleheads
Another good page is Social Security tax impact calculator - Bogleheads
Bogleheads is a great source for tax and investing info. Good in-depth info without any of the extraneous fluff inserted by media outlets.
I am totally outraged by the deception and complexity of the tax code, fully attributable to the greedy politicians driven by lobbyists. I built a spreadsheet to brainstorm things like IRA withdrawals. I'm an engineer and believe that anything can be represented by an equation. I tried and tried and tried to make an equation out of the social security taxation worksheet. I failed, and finally built the whole dang worksheet, step by step, into the spreadsheet.