Money & Economics

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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Possible future Hyperinflation is what scares me...

Our car Ins. has doubled in the past two years...Insurance (Vehicle/Home/Health) is our highest expense next to Taxes.


Known around here
Sep 25, 2021
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This time hyper-inflation will peak at about "$20 for a loaf of bread"
(Revelation 6:6)

So your fears are correct. All these bankers have sold each other worthless paper backed up by %10 "money".
The collapse is coming soon.


Getting comfortable
Sep 1, 2020
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Ok I've heard enough. We have a not insignificant chunk of change at JPM that will be leaving there shortly.

JPMorgan CEO suggests government seize private property to quicken climate initiatives
JPMorgan CEO suggests government seize private property to quicken climate initiatives
Eminent domain" is a legal term that describes the government using its power to expropriate private property for public use, provided the government provides private owners proper compensation.

How does government take your money and properly compensate you for it?

I have a feeling guns and ammo sales will be skyrocketing.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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Excerpt from the article:

"Later that evening, he finally unearthed the bank’s Dear John letter: “Financial institutions have an obligation to know our customers and monitor transactions,” it said. “After careful consideration, we decided to close your accounts because of unexpected activity on this or another Chase account,” according to the Nov. 15 letter, which said the accounts would close Dec. 14."

This concerns me. The banks want your money so they can loan it to others and collect interest. I have no problem with that. But at some point, the banks will decide how and where you spend your own #$%& money. Wells Fargo already several years ago discontinued credit/debit card processing services for businesses that sold firearms, ammo or even knives. They proudly anounced their political leanings. The government has the banks reporting how and where you spend your money and has directed delivery providers (like UPS, FedEx and others) to report what is delivered to you and where it came from. :angry:


Getting comfortable
Oct 18, 2021
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Straight Outta Mayberry
Even if you think you may have enough for defense, it may become an essential currency in the not to distant future ;)
We will trade in the four precious metals... Gold, Silver, Brass, & Lead. screw your digital crap. How will you trade digital currency during a blackout or a severe crisis with no infrastructure ?
Aug 8, 2018
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Spring, Texas
We will trade in the four precious metals... Gold, Silver, Brass, & Lead. screw your digital crap. How will you trade digital currency during a blackout or a severe crisis with no infrastructure ?
There will ALWAYS be a black market available and the future currency will be the then current Chinese currency.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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To some this sounds like crazy conspiracy talk.....
But its happening right now and it wont be long before we are all truly fucked.

Project Icebreaker: The Beginning Of A One World Digital Currency System?
Project Icebreaker: The Beginning Of A One World Digital Currency System? | ZeroHedge

.....It’s important to understand that central bankers are moving at breakneck speed to develop and introduce digital currencies. It’s not a matter of experimentation, they already have these systems ready to implement. The Federal Reserve’s instant transfer program “FedNow” is set to debut this July, which is not a CBDC but it is an intermediary step towards instituting CBDCs in the near term

...The Orwellian nature of CBDCs cannot be overstated. In a cashless society most people would be dependent on digital products for exchanging goods and labor, and this would of course mean the end of all privacy in trade. Everything you buy or sell or work for in your life would be recorded, and this lack of anonymity could be used to stifle your freedoms in the future.

For example, say you like to eat steak regularly, but the increasingly authoritarian government decides to list red meat as a health risk and a “climate change risk” due to carbon emissions from cows. They determine by your purchase history (which they have full access to) that you have contributed more carbon pollution than most people by eating red meat often. They declare that you must pay a retroactive carbon tax on your past purchases of red meat. Not only that, but your insurance company sends you a letter indicating that you are a medical risk and they cut off your health coverage.

.....Let’s say there is a global scale economic crisis event which causes many currencies to fluctuate wildly. Lets say, for example, that the US dollar loses its world reserve status and petro-status and this sends FX (foreign exchange) markets into a panic. Price inflation becomes rampant and banking institutions falter under liquidity pressures. Lets say that central bankers introduce CBDCs as a solution to the problem, and the BIS Icebreaker Hub as the intermediary for international trade. The populace is so frightened by the economic crash that they then embrace the digital framework. Now let’s say that the BIS claims they still can’t find a currency they consider stable enough to act as a means to bridge most global transactions. What happens then?

Well, “luckily” for all of us the BIS and IMF have been working on their own GLOBAL CBDC. In the case of the IMF, this one-world currency would be based around the Special Drawing Rights basket system they have been using for decades to broker currency transfers between national governments. The BIS then uses this one world currency product as the bridge in Ice Breaker going forward.

Eventually the BIS, IMF and various central banks will ask the public the inevitable question: “Why are we bothering with these national currency exchanges when we have a perfectly good bridge currency in the form of this one-world CBDC? Why don’t we just get rid of all these superfluous national CBDCs and have one currency for everyone?”

Thus, total global financial centralization would be achieved. And once you have a one-world currency, a completely centralized and micro-managed global economy and the most vital trade systems in the world controlled by a tiny handful of faceless unelected bureaucracies, why then have nations at all? Global government would be the next and final step.