Just speaking out loud as they say what I find interesting yet disturbing is the amount of odd diseases / viruses impacting so many nations. If a reasonable person just stepped back some of this could simply be explained away as the following in no order of relevance or importance:
- Communication: Given the ability to connect and share via whatever method is used it’s helped to bring awareness?
- Environment: Perhaps these things have always been there but what has changed is we are able to travel further which helps spread the same. In concert we are also entering areas not normally inhabited by people. The reverse is also true where our push to develop has forced all kinds of things to simply come into the urban area?
- Consumption: It’s probably fair to say a whole bunch of different cultures are consuming things that shouldn’t be. As it relates to basic food safety it’s probably fair to state food (temperature) storage and sanitation isn’t always met or present?
- Human Behaviour: It’s obvious given the current times people have normalized sexual behaviour which was taboo. All of these taboo relationships have grown, embraced, and spread to more nations?
I like to think I’m pretty aware of things and if I’m not I try to ask and learn about X vs Y. I honestly can’t recall a time in my recorded history that the world seems to be so sick?
All of us can relate to the ever annual flu season. It comes every year and whether it hits you is really dumb luck and how exposed you’re to other people along with obvious personal health.
If one simply does a Google search things that come up are the great plague and similar very isolated human death events. But again these were contained literally because humans couldn’t travel as far and freely.
It’s also safe to state our current ability to harness science and make something to protect us is at a all time high. Regardless of that I just am so shocked to see even after two plus years of COVID-19.
We the people from all across the world still have no fucken clue about doing something???
Quite a few of us from various backgrounds and disciplines often talk about if this was something really horrific like chemical war fare. Or where some how Ebola spread like wild fire.
Our conversations keeping in mind (none of us can ever agree because we all think we are right) all do agree we would be long dead if chemical / Ebola was actually happening!
I just can’t understand how we are probably at the pinocle of man, science, knowledge. Yet we are caught flat footed on something totally in our grasp and control.