Mount camera to vinyl soffit

I've been mounting mine to the soffit with good success. I take down the vinyl soffit and install a cut 2 x 4. In some areas I had to screw an addition flatter board to the 2x4 so it would be down a little further and nearly to the vinyl soffit. Once that's in place I put the soffit back up, use the mount sticker and drill a 7/8 hole through the middle to fish the wire through.

Lastly I run a bead of clear caulk around the mount. It's worked great, super sturdy and looks very professional.

How do you access the fascia board nails for the soffit that the aluminum flashing covers? I feel like bending that straight will never let it look like it did originally.
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How do you access the fascia board nails for the soffit that the aluminum flashing covers? I feel like bending that straight will never let it look like it did originally.

I have vinyl soffit. They slide into place and each piece is screwed into the fascia board. When looking up, I can only start at the end where the first piece can slide off easily. It would be impossible to start at the last piece because all previous pieces are screwed in. So the way they started the soffit determines where you can start taking them off (hope that makes sense). I'd imagine vinyl soffit is much easier to work with than aluminum. My aluminum flashing covers bent a little bit not too bad.
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