mounting a turret camera on a vertical surface...

Left Coast Geek

Getting comfortable
May 20, 2021
mid-left coast
is there any reason I can't mount a turret camera on a vertical surface outdoors? I'm having a heck of a time finding a decent affordable outdoor bracket that fits any of the turrent cams I have, Amcrest IP8M, and HiKvision ECI-T24Fx. these each have a different footprint, and neither matches the bracket I bought. This camera is for the big wide overview of my rather large driveway and parking area.


obviously, I didn't do my due diligence and verify the sizes and stuff. That mount is 110mm OD, and the HiKvision ECI-T24 is 127mm, with 3 screws in a 110mm circle, ooops, The Amcrest (which is what I really want for this overview) is 110mm OD, but has FOUR bolts in a square thats 70mm diagonal center to center.

this mounting surface is actually a brick chimney, for which I will use masonry anchors in suitably drilled blind holes.

These are my first turret cams, I've previously used bullet cams... is it common practice to coil up the camera pigtail with the ethernet and unused 12V connector inside the base, so only the ethernet wire comes out ? obviously, mounting on a brick chimney, the PoE wire will be external.
You could find a piece of thin aluminum and make a plate that will fit the mount than mount the camera to that. If you decide to mount on a vertical surface just make sure you put the pig tail in a weather proof box.
hmm, i have a foot or so of plated thin sheet steel left over. and a pair of left hand aircraft snips.... a thin bit of polyurethane sealant on the seams, and I bet it would be plenty weathertight. ok, I can work with that.

or I could router a 1x6 or so to be the mounting plate, paint it with a good primer and surface coat, mount the plate onto the chimney, then the camera to the plate.

dang it, more projects, i didn't want more projects. heh.
I would go with the first idea, just because you can have the connections enclosed rather than having another box for the pig tail. I think it would be a cleaner look
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Turrets can be mounted vertically with n problems but normally a mounting box is used. Unfortunately, every manufacturer makes the boxes to fit the cameras and there really aren't any commercially available electrical boxes that will work for most turrets. I used a four in round electrical box in a temporary jury rig but it took a lot of duct seal to make sure things stayed water tight until I replaced it with the correct box.