MQTT message from Blueiris to NodeRed

Jan 8, 2021
I would like to send a message "person" to nodeRed if the Deepstack AI detects a person.
Bildschirmfoto 2021-08-05 um 21.21.45.png

NodeRed receives a message without a Required AI Objekt

Bildschirmfoto 2021-08-05 um 21.27.40.png

Bildschirmfoto 2021-08-05 um 21.29.53.png

The question is how to send person if Blueiris (Deepstack) detects a person ?
It seems like it should work but i'm curious about some of the other configuration you have.
Can you share some screen images of the 'Action Set' from your camera config. Like this one we see from the BI help guide.
The guide talks about the actions being executed in order from top to bottom. If your action for 'person' is higher on the list does it make any difference.
Also, what does your Deepstack AI config looks like for the camera on the Trigger tab.



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And if you wanted to track on/off separately from person / no person, then I would consider having 2 topics to track those separately. That way if they're both being called in sequence, the first state won't be overwritten by the second one.
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