Multi screen playback with exported files.

Playback of synced video is easy when the files originate in the respective software. You are trying to import footage which those programs don't (and shouldn't) be bothered with since that isn't their designed purpose.

1. mplayer can do exactly what you want, but you need to understand the CLI

2. Import the footage into a NLE video editing suite. It will likely want it in a special format and may take a lot of time to import them.

* Note: if these are large video files i.e. 2MP or higher, you are going to need a dGPU in your computer to display that. 4 2MP videos = 1 4K video. Tons of CPU's can't handle 4K video. Forget about consumer NLE video editors to support that.
Is this "event" review?
Or external editing?

If you are trying to review recorded footage from several cameras at once simultaneously as things unfolded; ivms should be able to handle that at 4-6 up or so. Using event search, select all cameras, pick day & time range, hit synchronous playback button. I was playing around with it the other day, discovering I needed to sync all the cameras' time settings ... seeing a car go past the house before it'd entered the driveway kind of thing with three cameras.

Manually across an external player would be pain trying to line those up, due to the nature of stop & go motion recording, hitting in a certain sequence as a person or vehicle goes in and out of view of different cameras.