My Dahua 5x42 S3 / T/B5xIR Related Bugs As Promised


Known around here
Dec 9, 2018
All, as promised, I am detailing the 10 bugs I’ve found with the current 5x42 / B/t5xIR S3 cameras below. In some cases the bug is in how the camera interacts with NVR’s looking to read its capabilities and accurately interpret the metadata from the camera. In each case, I’ve listed the issue I found, any conclusions I can make along with sharing in depth config and code findings with the Dev Teams + my recommended fixes.

Note: that some of these have already been addressed, some are actively being addressed and others are limitations that can't or won't be addressed.

Bug #1 - ANPR Tagging / OCR of Plates is Only Partially Implemented on the S3 Cameras Today As is the NVR Processing of S3 Fed Metadata


  • ANPR IS supported by the S3 cameras and recognized as doing so by Dahua NVR's (EI/XI etc) when using either Video Metadata and AcuPick modes on these cameras.
  • However there are 2 problems:
    • When reviewing Video Metadata or AcuPick captures on the camera (using Picture menu) you will see vehicle caps + ANPR plate cutout captures, however there is nothing captured in the Record (video) menu at all.
    • Similarly on the supported NVR’s, the plate capture is clearly seen (and highlighted in a Plate cutout on the AI Search screen) but shows UNKNOWN for Plate No. and has NO vehicle details even when the plate (and vehicle) is clearly legible. You have to enable the AI NVR (XI for example) to do Video Metadata by Recorder to get around this issue which a) is not using the metadata from the camera (separate metadata and captures) and b) utilizes an AI processing stream on NVR for no good reason.
Wildcat Recommendations
  • To End Users - Enable Video Metadata by Recorder on supported NVR's
  • To Dahua - Ensure that the Metadata that is tagged in the capture files (I've shown it's present at point of capture to devs) a) gets correctly set as an ANPR capture in the Record (Video) menu + update the NVR FW to correctly read and tag the associated metadata from the camera.

Bug #2 - S3 Varifocal Cameras are Missing the Manual Focus control in the Camera Menu. Specifically the Focus & Zoom option is missing completely.


  • Focus & Zoom menu IS included on Z4 model but not on any other varifocal model. It should be because there are many situations where you want to remove auto control from the camera and instead set your own Focus Mode
Wildcat Recommendations
  • To Dahua - Enable this menu across the varifocal range of cameras. It does exist but hidden in code except for Z4 etc.

Bug #3 - Self Learning 'Experience Database' in 5x42 S3 Camera IVS Menu Displays a 'Value Cannot Be Empty' Error


  • The error means that for some unknown reason, the video you are attempting to have the camera learn from is not able to be processed

Bug #4 - Too much sensor / image noise on 5x42 S3 cameras


  • I traced this back to Dahua baseline configuration and backend sensor adjustments. Recommended fixes here in code + config.
Wildcat Recommendations
  • To Dahua - I provided options in code + config to adjust and build into baseline.

Bug #5 - Turning OFF AcuPick mode causes the camera settings (Image/Exposure/other Settings) to be reset to Default


  • Previous settings are lost when switching between these 2 modes on early FW.
Wildcat Recommendations
  • To Dahua - Identified where this was seen and recommended way to keep persistent. The AcuPick (vs other) modes operates on different branches within code therefore my recommendation is also to ensure these are merged in specific areas while keeping the mode specific functionality separate

Bug #6 - In Black & White mode at night, any exposure setting above 1/250 features banding/flickering in the image


  • You’ll notice flickering on your image when you use any exposure above 1/250 at night and any light is present either directly or off screen. As this is present in high shutter speeds this is not simply exposure differences between bright and dark areas but rather issues with the shutter and exposure config possible from the camera HW.
  • Rolling shutter plays a huge part here and implementation of Global Shutter / Exposure would assist.
  • This is a limitation of the camera

Bug #7 - S3 Cameras Support AcuPIck 2.0 BUT AI Rated NVR's Like 5216-XI / 608-XI Currently Only Feature AcuPick 1.0


  • Feature disparity between S3 cameras and current AI NVR's.
  • S3 cams feature AcuPick 2.0 support BUT 5216 / 608 XI NVR’s are limited (in current FW) to 1.0 therefore not allowing the cams to be used to their potential.
  • I have been working on beta FW tests for new NVR FW to address this, found some additional bugs there BUT long story short, this WILL be implemented soon.
  • I will do a post on the new NVR beta FW, my thoughts on that + bug list.

Bug #8 - No IVS Parameter Filtering or Configuration for ANIMALS on Dahua NVR's BUT S3 Cameras DO Support this Target Type


  • Feature disparity with the S3 camera being able to accurately identify animals as part of its IVS target filtering BUT the NVR’s NOT being able to filter by this target type. This reduces the value of this target capability by camera as the NVR you attach to cannot use or display this tag.
  • I was able to trace this back to the fact that NVR’s do NOT support perimeter post intelligence therefore only People, Vehicles and Non Motor Vehicles are currently supported through IVS.
  • Therefore at this time, Animals will only be a tagged target type via camera and not the NVR.

Bug #9 + #10 - AcuPick 2.0 Can Incorrectly Identify Stationary Vehicles as Active Targets & Tree's or Vertical Objects as Humans on S3 Cameras


  • While incorrect target capture is expected, this is why the Self Learning 'Experience Database' was introduced (and is really good BTW), to improve target acquisition accuracy.
  • In my testing, I’ve seen 100’s of captures in the space of 1 hour that are incorrect with AcuPick unfortunately.
  • However in further testing across scenarios it appears these cameras are purposefully limited to Self Learning from IVS based captures and NOT AcuPick identified clips due to the limited processing power.
  • So in summary I can confirm that IVS = Self Learning (through Experience Database), AcuPick = cannot self learn.
  • For the record, AcuPick Self Learning is not even supported on the more powerful Wizmind X cameras.
Wildcat Recommendations
  • To Dahua - I've recommend that with AcuPick becoming a standard across the portfolio that this is something that Dahua considers as part of future HW considerations in design.
  • To Dahua - In both cases for Bug #9 and Bug #10 I’ve provided Dahua with a number of code level change recommendations for the VehicleTrait and HumanTrait AI algorithms that could be used to optimize this algorithm and reduce the incorrect target acquisition.

That's the list for now. My thanks as always to the Dahua Dev Teams that have been working with me as like I said, some of these are getting improvements, fixes etc as the FW matures for the S3 + NVR devices associated with these bugs. In other cases, longer term fixes from my recommendations are being reviewed with possibility of implementation where possible by current HW constraints etc. Also thanks to @EMPIRETECANDY as both of us continue to help drive and prioritize these as I find them across my reviews, in depth tests and deployments.

While it may seem like a long list, trust me this is nothing in comparison to what I've built, identified fixes for and worked on for other releases of surveillance HW in this forum by the manufacturers in question.

Long story short, the S3 cameras really are a great all round solution that I've been using them in many deployments and pushing to their limits. With a few tweaks to FW on current versions + recommendations to improve even further in an S4 variant, these are turning into a 1 stop option (with associated models) for a number of people and their deployments.

As always, hope this was helpful.

All, as promised, I am detailing the 10 bugs I’ve found with the current 5x42 / B/t5xIR S3 cameras below. In some cases the bug is in how the camera interacts with NVR’s looking to read its capabilities and accurately interpret the metadata from the camera. In each case, I’ve listed the issue I found, any conclusions I can make along with sharing in depth config and code findings with the Dev Teams + my recommended fixes.

Note: that some of these have already been addressed, some are actively being addressed and others are limitations that can't or won't be addressed.

Bug #1 - ANPR Tagging / OCR of Plates is Only Partially Implemented on the S3 Cameras Today As is the NVR Processing of S3 Fed Metadata


  • ANPR IS supported by the S3 cameras and recognized as doing so by Dahua NVR's (EI/XI etc) when using either Video Metadata and AcuPick modes on these cameras.
  • However there are 2 problems:
    • When reviewing Video Metadata or AcuPick captures on the camera (using Picture menu) you will see vehicle caps + ANPR plate cutout captures, however there is nothing captured in the Record (video) menu at all.
    • Similarly on the supported NVR’s, the plate capture is clearly seen (and highlighted in a Plate cutout on the AI Search screen) but shows UNKNOWN for Plate No. and has NO vehicle details even when the plate (and vehicle) is clearly legible. You have to enable the AI NVR (XI for example) to do Video Metadata by Recorder to get around this issue which a) is not using the metadata from the camera (separate metadata and captures) and b) utilizes an AI processing stream on NVR for no good reason.
Wildcat Recommendations
  • To End Users - Enable Video Metadata by Recorder on supported NVR's
  • To Dahua - Ensure that the Metadata that is tagged in the capture files (I've shown it's present at point of capture to devs) a) gets correctly set as an ANPR capture in the Record (Video) menu + update the NVR FW to correctly read and tag the associated metadata from the camera.

Bug #2 - S3 Varifocal Cameras are Missing the Manual Focus control in the Camera Menu. Specifically the Focus & Zoom option is missing completely.


  • Focus & Zoom menu IS included on Z4 model but not on any other varifocal model. It should be because there are many situations where you want to remove auto control from the camera and instead set your own Focus Mode
Wildcat Recommendations
  • To Dahua - Enable this menu across the varifocal range of cameras. It does exist but hidden in code except for Z4 etc.

Bug #3 - Self Learning 'Experience Database' in 5x42 S3 Camera IVS Menu Displays a 'Value Cannot Be Empty' Error


  • The error means that for some unknown reason, the video you are attempting to have the camera learn from is not able to be processed

Bug #4 - Too much sensor / image noise on 5x42 S3 cameras


  • I traced this back to Dahua baseline configuration and backend sensor adjustments. Recommended fixes here in code + config.
Wildcat Recommendations
  • To Dahua - I provided options in code + config to adjust and build into baseline.

Bug #5 - Turning OFF AcuPick mode causes the camera settings (Image/Exposure/other Settings) to be reset to Default


  • Previous settings are lost when switching between these 2 modes on early FW.
Wildcat Recommendations
  • To Dahua - Identified where this was seen and recommended way to keep persistent. The AcuPick (vs other) modes operates on different branches within code therefore my recommendation is also to ensure these are merged in specific areas while keeping the mode specific functionality separate

Bug #6 - In Black & White mode at night, any exposure setting above 1/250 features banding/flickering in the image


  • You’ll notice flickering on your image when you use any exposure above 1/250 at night and any light is present either directly or off screen. As this is present in high shutter speeds this is not simply exposure differences between bright and dark areas but rather issues with the shutter and exposure config possible from the camera HW.
  • Rolling shutter plays a huge part here and implementation of Global Shutter / Exposure would assist.
  • This is a limitation of the camera

Bug #7 - S3 Cameras Support AcuPIck 2.0 BUT AI Rated NVR's Like 5216-XI / 608-XI Currently Only Feature AcuPick 1.0


  • Feature disparity between S3 cameras and current AI NVR's.
  • S3 cams feature AcuPick 2.0 support BUT 5216 / 608 XI NVR’s are limited (in current FW) to 1.0 therefore not allowing the cams to be used to their potential.
  • I have been working on beta FW tests for new NVR FW to address this, found some additional bugs there BUT long story short, this WILL be implemented soon.
  • I will do a post on the new NVR beta FW, my thoughts on that + bug list.

Bug #8 - No IVS Parameter Filtering or Configuration for ANIMALS on Dahua NVR's BUT S3 Cameras DO Support this Target Type


  • Feature disparity with the S3 camera being able to accurately identify animals as part of its IVS target filtering BUT the NVR’s NOT being able to filter by this target type. This reduces the value of this target capability by camera as the NVR you attach to cannot use or display this tag.
  • I was able to trace this back to the fact that NVR’s do NOT support perimeter post intelligence therefore only People, Vehicles and Non Motor Vehicles are currently supported through IVS.
  • Therefore at this time, Animals will only be a tagged target type via camera and not the NVR.

Bug #9 + #10 - AcuPick 2.0 Can Incorrectly Identify Stationary Vehicles as Active Targets & Tree's or Vertical Objects as Humans on S3 Cameras


  • While incorrect target capture is expected, this is why the Self Learning 'Experience Database' was introduced (and is really good BTW), to improve target acquisition accuracy.
  • In my testing, I’ve seen 100’s of captures in the space of 1 hour that are incorrect with AcuPick unfortunately.
  • However in further testing across scenarios it appears these cameras are purposefully limited to Self Learning from IVS based captures and NOT AcuPick identified clips due to the limited processing power.
  • So in summary I can confirm that IVS = Self Learning (through Experience Database), AcuPick = cannot self learn.
  • For the record, AcuPick Self Learning is not even supported on the more powerful Wizmind X cameras.
Wildcat Recommendations
  • To Dahua - I've recommend that with AcuPick becoming a standard across the portfolio that this is something that Dahua considers as part of future HW considerations in design.
  • To Dahua - In both cases for Bug #9 and Bug #10 I’ve provided Dahua with a number of code level change recommendations for the VehicleTrait and HumanTrait AI algorithms that could be used to optimize this algorithm and reduce the incorrect target acquisition.

That's the list for now. My thanks as always to the Dahua Dev Teams that have been working with me as like I said, some of these are getting improvements, fixes etc as the FW matures for the S3 + NVR devices associated with these bugs. In other cases, longer term fixes from my recommendations are being reviewed with possibility of implementation where possible by current HW constraints etc. Also thanks to @EMPIRETECANDY as both of us continue to help drive and prioritize these as I find them across my reviews, in depth tests and deployments.

While it may seem like a long list, trust me this is nothing in comparison to what I've built, identified fixes for and worked on for other releases of surveillance HW in this forum by the manufacturers in question.

Long story short, the S3 cameras really are a great all round solution that I've been using them in many deployments and pushing to their limits. With a few tweaks to FW on current versions + recommendations to improve even further in an S4 variant, these are turning into a 1 stop option (with associated models) for a number of people and their deployments.

As always, hope this was helpful.


Thanks for your efforts @Wildcat_1

A few notes

#1- This also seems to apply to 4KS2E NVR's as well. ANPR has been an attribute in AI Parameters in FW for over a year and a half. (maybe longer)
But as you describe, even though the NVR AI search sees it and provides a cutout for it, the attribute is ignored
I never really thought it would work so I'm not bummed but its there

ANPR1.jpg ANPR2.jpg

#2 - My Z4 has a drop down but no manual control slider? Is that what you are referring to? Possibly newer FW as mine is late '23


#6 - I see the banding/rolling shutter on anything faster than 1/120 on the 5442H-ZHE -S3, and the Z4 (Hell I also see it on the 5849T1-ASE-LED)
This has become a new issue in the past 2?+ years that I don't recall seeing previously
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Maybe I'll be able to buy something new or updated in 2026 or 2027. Right now, Dahua has me in full yawn mode. :idk:
Ditto. Focus seems to be on flashing colored lights and AI search, and then the low end toy cameras.

I'd sacrifice 90% of their catalog for a really good 1/1.2" varifocal or even a Z12/Z4 variant that wasnt fuzzy and didnt have rolling shutter lines for anything faster than 1/120 at night
The s3's with the latest firmware is bad about having false positives for things like, spider webs and bugs.
This was not an issue in earlier FW prior to the animal detection being added.
I’m not seeing that on mine, but I only have 2 with critter enabled
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@looney2ns Mines running pretty sweet (apart from the bugs) now but let me know which version you’re running and what mode AcuPick or Video Metadata etc. if AcuPick then I would highly recommend using the Experience Database on the cam and adding incorrect IVS caps to it as it will make a difference to to improving target acquisition accuracy for IVS at least.
Thanks Wildcat,i will submit these to dahua and see how they reply.
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Thanks Wildcat,i will submit these to dahua and see how they reply.
These are the ones we’ve been prioritizing and working with their dev teams on as I mentioned. Looking for follow up on some that you and I spoke about including ANPR so you and I can reach out to them again for an update.

I think looney use the 202412 firmware, i will do some testing here, maybe April when wamer will be easy to test.
I think when the new series out come with a more powerful chips will solve most of the issues. 7 series will be great. ;)
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The s3's with the latest firmware is bad about having false positives for things like, spider webs and bugs.
This was not an issue in earlier FW prior to the animal detection being added.
Hey bro, i send you a DM for getting some videos to analysis.
My S3 IVS triggered 40 times last night on this single strand of spider web, which includes the 2 white dots from IR reflection. Firmware is
V3.142.15OG000.0.R, Build Date: 2024-05-16. The spider I realize IS an animal, but not the kind I'm looking for!
My S3 IVS triggered 40 times last night on this single strand of spider web, which includes the 2 white dots from IR reflection. Firmware is
V3.142.15OG000.0.R, Build Date: 2024-05-16. The spider I realize IS an animal, but not the kind I'm looking for!
View attachment 216594
Ok buddy, send you a dm for asking some video to analysis too.
@tigerwillow1 have you tried the Experience Database ?
I'm caught flatfooted responding to this. I'm not running AcuPick. I tried it when I first got the camera and for some reason it didn't work out for me. Trouble is, I forgot the reason.
Oh, yes, that is very useful function add to the latest new fw, here has a guide video.

Bug #1 - ANPR Tagging / OCR of Plates is Only Partially Implemented on the S3 Cameras Today As is the NVR Processing of S3 Fed Metadata

This in reality is not a bug.
this is product differentiation from 7xx2-X feature :)...

5xxx (as also many mid-level PTZ) do Video Meta Data with plate image snapshots but not OCR...
People who use VMD knowns that usually the plate image are very sharp and readable - camera chooses one from hundreds video frames which contain best most readable plate number..

to choose which video frame is most readable (to humans) is simply doing OCR (ANPR) on them internally - but OCR results are destroyed.

dev engineers can easy undo the destroy phase and enable full ANPR with storing results on 5xxx-S3 - but marketing team will not allow for that..
OCR / ANPR thing is main difference beetwen WizMind-S (5442-S3) and WizMind-X (7442-X)..

Bug #3 - Self Learning 'Experience Database' in 5x42 S3 Camera IVS Menu Displays a 'Value Cannot Be Empty' Error

This never worked for me...
Must try another time with latest firmware (which have some changes here)..

Bug #4 - Too much sensor / image noise on 5x42 S3 cameras

more interesting 7442-x with the same sensor and optics (to 5442H variants) have totally different image processing.
And in many occasions behave totally differently, especially in image noise or dynamic gamma manipulation areas...

Bug #6 - In Black & White mode at night, any exposure setting above 1/250 features banding/flickering in the image

I have this problems also in color mode in areas with very good lighting..
Problem is with modern LED lighting - which use PWM modulation at higher frequencies (< few KHz) to modulate light output.
This is not visible to humans but this is very visible to cams at higher fps...

The biggest problem for me is that the bands rolls up/down.. there is trick to stop moving the bands:
camera can analyse light PWM frequency and micromanage start/stop times of frame capture to always fit the same phase at PWM signal.
bands always will be at the same image position (will not roll) and will be less visible..

More advanced version of what cameras are doing now to combat 50/60Hz frequency of old lamps at night...

ps. total solution for this are Global shutter sensors - but they cost a lot.
Or good lighting which don't use PWM at all or use PWM at very high frequency (professional LED lights for video recording are using PWM at 20KHz).

Bug #9 + #10 - AcuPick 2.0 Can Incorrectly Identify Stationary Vehicles as Active Targets & Tree's or Vertical Objects as Humans on S3 Cameras

Ahhh this is a big problem...
Not only AcuPick 2.0.. Also classic Video Meta Data on 5442 creates a lot of false positives from trees or other strange looking objects..
We talk about hundreds / thousands of events per day...

Experience DB didn't work for me, so I use a lot of area / size rule manipulations to combat this problem.
But yes - they need much better AI algorithms to solve this problem..
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