My UI web ok but not my Android app


Young grasshopper
Nov 17, 2022
My Web UI is working great but my android app is connecting however its not showing recent alert clips
it is also very laggy !

It used to work fine

any ideas I can check out?
Recent BI app or BI server s/w update?

Insure your "user" account on BI server allows viewing clips.
Insure streaming profile has not changed @ BI webserver=>advanced=>encoder profiles=>streaming
Recent BI app or BI server s/w update?

Yeh I think so. I also re-downloaded the android app to see if that would fix the issue but it didnt
Version of my BI5 console on my server:

Version of my android app is
Version 3.0.39

Insure your "user" account on BI server allows viewing clips.
Insure streaming profile has not changed @ BI webserver=>advanced=>encoder profiles=>streaming


My user account is the same for my the web UI3 and Android app
All cameras I can view recent clips on the web UI3 using Chome/Edge browser

However on my wife and my phone some clips are not updating.
Android app and my wife's iphone app:
Porch Camera - last clips are 4 days ago
Driveway Camera - last clips are 4 days ago

Web UI3 on my PC:
Porch Camera - last clips is 1 hour ago
Driveway Camera - last clips is 1 hour ago

both using the same account to log in
Anyone got any other ideas?
I reached out to Blue Iris support
They suggested to go to the Blue Iris software on the PC in the clips/alerts right click and go to database and select repair/regenerate and see if that corrects the issue

Tried that but it made no difference

@fenderman can I tap your brain about this one? Would you happen to know any suggestions?

Its no big deal now but it will matter when we are out and need to check the Porch and Driveway cameras

Anyone got any other ideas?
I reached out to Blue Iris support
They suggested to go to the Blue Iris software on the PC in the clips/alerts right click and go to database and select repair/regenerate and see if that corrects the issue

Tried that but it made no difference

@fenderman can I tap your brain about this one? Would you happen to know any suggestions?

Its no big deal now but it will matter when we are out and need to check the Porch and Driveway cameras
Try deleting the DB folder and letting BI recreate it.
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Thanks for the suggestion. But no cigar. Its deleted all the previous clips. Woke up this morning and found new clips on my Web UI3 but non on my phone app
Deleting the DB cannot and will not delete the clips. It deletes the alert pointers to he clips.