Name My a new IPC-HDW5231R-Z varifocal


IPCT Contributor
Feb 16, 2015
Megatroplis, USA
Well...almost new...and a bit of a project camera...but none-the-less...

Many months ago back Andy sold me a IPC-HDW5231R-Z varifocal which I never unpacked. I finally un-boxed this new camera and set it up a couple of weeks ago and it ran perfect for 10 hours...but then there was suddenly no signal coming from the camera.

After troubleshooting the cable I uninstalled the camera, opened up the 2 eyeball halves and pressed the manual interior reset button. The camera rebooted to the factory defaults and had me perform the Dahua default setup procedure. "Great!" (thought I). I screwed the 2 eyeball halves back together and the camera became unresponsive again. I split the 2 eyeball halves apart again, pressed the manual reset button and the camera (once again) booted the factory defaults and the camera prompted me to complete the initial setup procedure after which I screwed the 2 eyeballs back together and the camera became unresponsive. "FUQ!" (thought I). I removed the 3 screws and separated the 2 eyeball halves and held them apart (didn't press the reset switch this time) and the camera became functional. I then held the 2 eyeball halves tightly together and the camera became unresponsive. Once again, I separated the 2 eyeball halves and while holding them apart the camera became functional.


This may be The Camera Gods fuQing with me.

Obviously there appears to be an intermittent issue with this camera, but I cannot understand what the problem is and, frankly, I'm too lazy to fuQ with it any more than I have. So I'm going to give this essentially brand spanking new IPC-HDW5231R-Z varifocal (that kinda works) away. Granted this camera is a bit of a project. Shipping to the continental United States is free. Overseas winners must pay the overseas shipping.

But this wouldn't be a Qontest unless I asked you to name the two (2) new feral kittens I trapped yesterday. One is a boy and the other is a girl.

The names I like best wins this spectaQular prize.

And just a word about Mr. Andy. I understand that this wasn't Andy's fault and that the return freight to get the camera back to China is a bit expensive. I didn't expect anything but I asked him anyway if he could do anything about it...and he sent me an open-box lightly used IPC-HDW5231RP-ZE varifocal! And he paid the shipping. You simply can't find service like this. Thank you so much Andy!

@EMPIRETECANDY or Andy's store addresses: Amazon shop | AliExpress

So, please name the feral kittens and win this spectaQular prize!
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"Dead" "Meat"

Sorry...we're having a feral cat problem in the neighborhood <<<SyberTiger shakes fist>>>
Not funny. The answer to feral cats is TNR, not a sack and the river. Thumbsmiley21.gif
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Not funny. The answer to feral cats is TNR, not a sack and the river. View attachment 36179

Apparently, the answer in my community has been the coyotes they've recently attracted. The feral cat population has been shrinking the last few months and community security cams show the increase in coyotes. I assume once the cats are depleted the coyotes will move on.
Did I miss the gender of the new kittens ? That will affect the name choice I imagine.
I'm going to suggest for the boy, "Tommy", in memory of my stray cat I took in but lost suddenly a few years ago.
(Full name Tommy Boy as a homage to Chris Farley and one of my favorite B comedy movies....and the fact he was true tough Tom Cat).

Or as a combo for both of them, "Bonnie & Clyde", the names of my cats I adopted in 1999. We lost Bonnie a while back but Clyde is now 19 and still going strong!
do we get pictures? it is really hard to name cats if you don't know how they look.
Here's the little SheDevil. The HeDevil is at the vet getting fixed as I write.

She has the look of a true death dealer. I’ll take a feral cat over a house cat any day.
Hi Q, another great Qontest! I'd go with Fluffy (the misses) and Furball (the hisses). I refrain from being an overseas winner, but you have my eternal blessing for these Qontest! Sharing is caring!

With love,
She has the look of a true death dealer. I’ll take a feral cat over a house cat any day.

Yes...she's a real sweetheart...

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