I too have the TC-734 NVR system with the four ip-camera's. I can access the ip-camera's through iSpy,
BlueIris and IP Camera Viewer under Windows 7 64 bit. These camera's use JAVA, so you have to access them through a java capable Web Browser and only Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE) Version 11 and some earlier versions and the latest Google Chrome with the MSIE Extension Tab (search for it in the Chrome Store it's free) added seem to work. There are "activeX" controls that these camera's. More recent MSIE has difficulty, as JAVA has been mostly excluded in the later versions. I mainly use Chrome with the added MSIE tab to access the camera's directly.
Stand Alone Software Programs Used (presuming you've already accessed your camera via a web browser or the like and can adjust your camera settings as needed, such as entering a manual IP address, Ports, username, password, etc.):
1) IP Camera Viewer: Select brand "Lorex" and Model "LNC 204" and insert YourCameraIP address and your HTTP Port. I use port 80. This is non-RTSP access and non-ONVIF access. Another compatible brand is: "OEM" Model: "id002a"
2) iSpy: under "FFMPEG (264)" source tab, use "rtsp://admin@YourCameraIP:80/ch0_0.264" where "admin" is the username and no password. Although my RTSP is on Port 554, Port 80 seems to work. And if you have a password, it would look like "yourusername:yourpassword@"
3) BlueIris: you can use "FOSCAM FI86" under the video source tab. Use "http", "YourCameraIP:80". Make: "Foscam" Model "FI86xx/98xx compatible", User: "admin", Password: [blank], Path: "/livestream/11?action=play&media=video_audio_data", Camera: "1".