Need help updating my Firmware

Sep 19, 2015
Naples Fl
I did the first update in sequence and it went fine but when I tried to update to the next version it would not recognize the file, I tried both the zipped and unzipped file. I tried just putting it in the root directory of the pc and Nada, but it will see the recent update for another camera. I have updated cameras before an not had this issue .

thanks mike
the camera is a darkfighter DS-2DF8223I-AELW the source of the firmware is the hikvision FTP website DOWNLOAD PORTAL

I have downloaded the file to the desktop it won't see this.PNG
but when I try to select the file I get nothing in box
nothing here.PNG
That's better - we can all now see what you have been trying, and hopefully can provide some meaningful help.

but when I try to select the file I get nothing in box
I'd guess that you haven't actually unzipped (ie extracted) the zip file that you downloaded, and are just seeing Windows supposed-to-be-helpful view of the zip file contents.
actually I did unzip it three different times. pointed it to the correct file and the window failed to recognize it
For firmware updates I was encouraged to use the website instead of the regular site. not sure where you got yours from.

When I looked for your camera I found it on this page (doesn't show the last W after AEL though).

When I download v5.4 I get a totally different filename than what you have above. Mine came down as

But after unzipping it, it is the same name/size as yours. So it's probably the same thing.

Maybe try it from there and see if you have luck.
My Camera is a European model which is why I got the firmware from their European FTP site. I was able to get it up to version 5.4.3 but was rather difficult. I had to eliminate all the other cameras off the network, go to the camera set it to defaults. shutdown the camera and the computer, reboot. reset the clock and reboot the camera, than go into and do the firmware update