Need recommendations on additional cams

Mar 30, 2023
Reaction score
southern US

I'm sure this has been asked many times, but I need recommendations on additional nvr ip cameras. Had a 'close call' where a vehicle was snooping around, pulled down my driveway, saw existing cams, and then backed out very slowly. Did not have cam in place to catch license plate.

I plan to dig a trench, run direct bury cat6, mount a weatherproof box, and place 2 cameras near the top of my driveway (one of each side of a nice tree). One will face up the other down. This should catch license plate and a good clear pic of vehicle. I do not need license plate detection.... just low enough to the ground for a good picture. Distance to vehicle will be ~30 feet.

I've got the poe switch and wiring handled. Am running blue iris already w/ 11 other cameras. ALL my existing cams are from the same web merchant... unknown mfg.

Screenshot of existing camera's web interface:


I'm looking for a cam w/ flat lens (have had bad problems with ir bounceback on my dome cameras). No zoom. And good compatibility w/ blue iris. I guess primary and a substream would be desirable? I assume IR at night is standard on a decent camera?

Maybe a 'camo' color would help... like maybe black or something dark? Or do I just go with white/almond as a deterrent?
Mar 30, 2023
Reaction score
southern US
As an additional question....

My existing cameras, I can see the cam's image in browser no problem. Some it says I need a plugin, but the plugin does not work... I think it's either too cheap, too old, or abandoned by mfg.

If there like a 'universal' firmware to update my cams with?


I checked my camera mac addresses and looked them up.

I can see images from everything EXCEPT the E0 series. They are asking for a plugin.

Web vendor says they are all 4k 'avalonix' brand.
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IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
Reaction score
You need to learn a few things first.

No zoom cameras means after about 15-20 feet away, IDENTIFY capabilities drop tremendously. Digital zoom after the fact only works in Hollywood...

See this thread for the commonly recommended cameras (along with Amazon links) based on distance to IDENTIFY that represent the overall best value in terms of price and performance day and night. While you will notice the thread itself is several years old, notice the revision dates of the first several posts as I update them as recommendations change.

The Importance of Focal Length over MP in camera selection

The plug-in is still a thing. Even in 2024, some cameras are still requiring it, even cameras introduced and first sold in 2023.

The plug-ins only work with Internet Explorer (and Pale Moon 32 bit).

We know, we know LOL, but Explorer is still available.

Two simple ways to use Explorer (it is still baked into Windows they just don't tell you)

The simple way is to change the BHO folder to another name like oldBHO and BAM Explorer is back....

Go to:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\110.0.1512.48\

Then change BHO to oldBHO or something else and Explorer will open


Copy this in notepad and save as IE.vbs and make it a shortcut on your desktop


You would have to set the camera up specifically to read plates. You need the proper camera with OPTICAL zoom for the distance you are covering and the angle to get plates.

Regarding plates, keep in mind that this is a camera dedicated to plates and not an overview camera also. It is as much an art as it is a science. You will need two cameras. For LPR we need to OPTICALLY zoom in tight to make the plate as large as possible. For most of us, all you see is the not much more than a vehicle in the entire frame. Now maybe in the right location during the day it might be able to see some other things, but not at night.

At night, we have to run a very fast shutter speed (1/2,000) and in B/W with IR and the image will be black. All you will see are head/tail lights and the plate. Some people can get away with color if they have enough street lights, but most of us cannot. Here is a representative sample of plates I get at night of vehicles traveling about 45MPH at 175 feet from my 2MP 5241-Z12E camera (that is all that is needed for plates):


See the LPR subforum for more details.
Mar 30, 2023
Reaction score
southern US
Sorry, should have been more detailed/clear.

I'm facing the cams up and down my DRIVE, not the road. Cars will be 5-10 mph. Existing cameras are good enough to catch plates, but are simply in the wrong mounting position. I'm looking for new cams because I'm tired of paying what I know is WAY too much from the web vendor I've been dealing with.


IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
Reaction score
Post some examples of your existing cameras good enough to catch plates.

Vehicle speed isn't the issue - it is available light. And if you don't have enough available light and use infrared, then the plate is a white blob unless you speed up the shutter speed - the faster the shutter, the darker the image, but that is how we compensate for the reflective plates. Maybe you can realistically get them in the driveway every time and be an overview, but most cannot. Getting 1 out of 10 plates isn't good enough.

This thread documents very well the differences and limitations of a fixed lens compared to varifocal. At 30 feet you will want a varifocal.

From your screenshot that is a Dahua OEM camera, so you should be able to use those cameras without paying them (unless you are leasing them)

The plug-in is downloaded from the camera itself. You need Internet Explorer or Pale Moon 32 bit for it to work.

There is no universal firmware to update cameras with. They are each designed for the model/series and chipset. In fact some of the same model number may have 3 different firmwares based on the chipset and one doesn't work on the other.
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