Need some help with camera placement location and lens mm


May 1, 2015
Hi guys new to the forum and need a little help with camera placement and proper lens mm. The plan is to use Hikvision cameras with iVMS-4200 software on my pc which is on 24/7.
I would like one camera over the driveway, one at the front door, and one on each side of the house to start off. Recording will be set to motion detection. I’m also open to the idea for using pir sensor to cut down on the false alarms. So far I have tested the new 2132f-isw and like it, ordered for CCTV china.
The reason for installing security cameras is due to theft in the neighborhood. Some Basted stole the center cap off my rims. They have even broken in the car and stole the registration and insurance card. How they were able to get into the car without setting the alarm off is weird. This has happened a few times now. Any help with camera placement and type (dome/ built) would be great.
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Nice house and garden. :)
For outside I like Hikvision's '2332 camera and also the '2232. I have a '2632 outside too, but prefer the other two to it because of better IR. Indoors I use the '2432. The '2232 looks like a space alien to me, but boy, that IR is very good at night.
1. To cover choke/entry points like doors, gates, and windows I try to put the cameras at head/face height or slightly above, but not much. This is to identify people and helps in case they wear caps or hoods.
2. I do mount cameras higher too, but for an overview of a scene only. So a 2.8mm '2332 under the soffit for an overview. Maybe a '2232 with a 12mm lens at a distance to try and see what is going on with your car's hubcaps.
3. If you grow nasty plants under and in front of windows you will not need quite so many cameras. I don't know what grows in your climate, but I'm sure you can find something nice enough to do the job. I use Berberis Verruculosa, Berberis Julianae, Berberis Darwinii, and Pyracantha here in the U.K. Plants might be able to help secure or slow down people coming over your fence/walls. Also useful in areas where they may be able to climb on that lower roof to get to the upstairs windows. Nasty thorn plants will help gather evidence in terms of blood/DNA and torn clothing. They take a year or three to grow, so get cracking with those. ;)
4. Try and set the cameras to the correct exposure for faces. At night this takes more time and effort. External lighting that comes on at dusk and goes off at dawn helps a lot, even with IR. I find the floodlights that come on and off when they sense motion/people are not great because it makes it hard to set the camera exposure.

This site helps with finding the right lens for the view you are thinking of. It will give you an idea if a camera/lens will end up being an overview or if it will be capable of identifying a face at a given distance.

All this might not stop a determined thief, but most thieves are lazy and will choose somewhere easier instead.

Just my 2 cents, but hope it helps.
Thank you for the advice.
Where would you guys place the driveway cam? Above the motion flood light or under it. Also which side to the left, right, or center.
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