I have a Dahua IPC_HDW2231R starlight i have re directioned to the street out in front of my house to try to catch a image of a car that has been going around the hood trowing eggs. I have temporarily pointed the camera at the street and zoomed in as far as it can go (usually its aimed at my driveway and has worked well for this). The images i am getting are not good with the motion of a cars, lost of ghosting?

. Can anyone make some recommendations on how to adjust the camera to make these better ?
Currently at H264, 15 FPS, VBR quality 6 with 8192 Kb/S bit rate.

. Can anyone make some recommendations on how to adjust the camera to make these better ?
Currently at H264, 15 FPS, VBR quality 6 with 8192 Kb/S bit rate.